How to Eat Healthy

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eat healthy


If you’re wondering how to eat healthy and never diet again, you’re in the right spot.

If you want to eat healthy, you’re probably thinking about food. Eating healthy is not just the food you eat though, it also includes how you eat.

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Let’s pretend you’re going on vacation, and your car is your body. If you’re planning to leave at 9am, and you know that your car’s gas light is on, do you get up at 8:55? Of  course not. You need to make time to fill the gas tank. But, let’s say you’re in a hurry, so you whip into the gas station and put 5  bucks of gas in the tank. How far would that get you? You’re in a hurry to get through your day, or to your destination, so every few miles, you’re stopping to put a gallon or two in your car, and that is it. Once you arrive at your destination, does it make sense to then stop, fill up, and park for the week while you’re on vacation?

This is how people often treat their bodies. They get up late in the morning, don’t have time to eat a meal, so they have a snack, or nothing at all. With no time to eat because of not getting up in time to allow for a large breakfast, you will either starve or end up snacking throughout the day because you are hungry. You’re hungry ’cause you didn’t “fill the tank” with quality fuel for the day. So you’re constantly feed your body with . . .  snacks. Not enough to actually fill your tank and fuel your day. But when the day is over, most American’s sit down for a large dinner, then shortly thereafter go to bed.

You’ve just filled your “gas tank” and then “parked your car” in the garage, or gone to bed.


I don’t care if you like it or not, breakfast is important. This doesn’t mean you
have to eat breakfast food! In fact, your first meal should be your largest. Meaning, the  highest protein, and the most calories. Dense, complex carbohydrates need to be on your plate and in your belly!

I grew up eating this way. I grew up eating chili, cornbread and collards for breakfast.

This is how you need to eat: dinner, lunch, and if you eat a third meal, breakfast.

Breakfast should be dinner, lunch should be lunch, and dinner should be breakfast.

It looks like this: Breakfast,  your “meat (beans) and potatoes” type of meal. Lunch, your usual lunch in size; your granola, salad, sandwich, etc. and then, breakfast for dinner. Your green drink, smoothie, yogurt or  “quick, light snack”. And this is IF you  eat at all. I typically don’t.


The new thing is intermittent fasting. Guess what? This ain’t new folks! I was fasting at a year old. Yup. My mom brought  me up on a 2-3 meal a day kind of day. I never had a single snack, not even juice, milk, apples or crackers. It was water between a 5-6 hour “fasting” period.

Now you might think this is crazy, but it is not. Neither is it bad for kids. Kids brought up like this will have less health issues and weight problems.

Here are a few reasons why it’s good not to eat all day long, whether that is a snack (literally a singular celery stick) or 6 tiny meals a day.

“Allergies are more common among people who snack between meals [or eat frequent small meals]. Not only is the variety of possible allergens greatly multiplied, but the likelihood of producing toxic chemicals in the digestive tract by inefficient digestion is also increased by eating between meals.”

“The more frequent the between-meal snacking, the greater the number of cavities that one has at each new visit to the dentist.”

“Snacks are usually of poor quality food. Those who eat snacks are more likely to use fried foods (the poorest way to prepare foods), to use food of inferior quality, sweets and “empty calories.’”

“Eating between meals, even nibbling a few peanuts, causes stagnation of food in the stomach. X-ray studies done years ago using contrast media showed that a little eating between meals delays stomach emptying by many hours, even up to 14 hours or more.” ~ Dr. Agatha Thrash, M.D. Preventive Medicine, “Snacks and Eating Between Meals” 


Clean eating doesn’t necessarily mean clean meat. Eating clean and lean simply put, is eating whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and healthy fats. Limit or omit, highly processed snack foods, sweets and other packaged foods. Raw food is the  cleanest and  purest way to eat  clean.TrueScience skin

Sugary, oily foods can be vegan. They are also fattening and simply not nutritious. When one eats nutritious meals with complex carbs and whole grains, it is easy to wait 5 to 6 hours between each meal, because you’re consuming dense foods that take longer to digest, which  keep you full longer.


Many times I have said before that dieting is temporary. A diet is specifically designed to get fast results, whether for competing, for losing weight fast, or gaining weight fast. But after dieting, you should be able to maintain your weight without having to continue to ride the up and down scale of weight gain and loss from dieting, returning to old habits, and dieting again.

Changing eating habits as a lifestyle is a way to maintain healthy weight and never again having to diet. A vegan diet is the best diet for optimum health and weight control. You can actually diet by changing your regular eating habits to a vegan lifestyle, gradually, and then maintain the lifestyle forever afterwords. It is one of the only “diets” that you can healthfully maintain after reaching your targeted weight loss or gains!

Bodybuilders and powerlifters have amazing results on a vegan diet as well, and people have been able to compete and win championships on the diet.


The fountain of youth is actually legit. Well, I’d call it the “raw foods fountain of
youth”, because eating a mostly raw and vegan diet has shown to add years, energy and youthfulness to your life.

I have had several people tell me they don’t want to live a long life. The reason is because they just don’t feel good. If one feels lethargic, low on energy, achy, slow and in a brain fog all day every day, why would someone want to live longer?

The best part of being a vegan is that you age backwards, or slower. It takes away the brain fog, the drowsiness, fatigue and provides more energy and alertness. Also, your skin will be clearer, your hair shiner, your body will smell better and you’re all around just more happy, and who doesn’t want that?

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At the end of the day, if you eat healthy, you will feel healthy. Feeling healthy is worth the extra celery sticks, trust me.

Please stop by and follow me on my social media so we can be friends!  I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life, so wherever you like to hang out best, you can find me!


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