Goal Setting Strategies for Success


Who’s ready to set some new healthy lifestyle goals?

Goal setting is important for successful change, but without the proper tools to reach your goals, it can be a set up for disappointment and utter failure.

I am sure at some point, you have set out to make healthy lifestyle changes before. Whether that was last year’s New Year’s resolution or a summer body fitness goal, it’s time to re-visit, reevaluate and/or make new goals!


Most people don’t have any sort of plan as to how to get to where they want to go when they set goals. They set a goal and often times just don’t hit their mark.

The problem isn’t setting a goal, it is setting the right kind of goal.

What I mean by that is, goal setting with direction and motivation to make it happen. It is so much easier to set a goal than it is to follow it through.

Only 8% of people who

set New Year's resolutions

 reach their goals.

Success isn’t in goal setting. It’s how you set your goal and what follows, that actually makes goal setting a success or not.


Be reasonable. Have strategy.

Photo by Daniel Korpai

A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources).

When New Year’s comes along, set a goal that is reasonable, meaning, something you can actually do. Not something you think you can do.

For example: don’t commit to losing 30 pounds in 30 days. This is not reasonable.

You also can’t set a goal to run a marathon in 2 months when you’ve been completely sedentary for the past 6 years.

The people who do this type of goal setting throw out reasoning. They get all into the emotion of sparkly wine and kisses and New Year’s misses (or misters) and get totally unreasonable.

Nobody likes failure and this is a set up for failure. And when this happens a few years in a row, you end up piling failure on top of failure.

The idea of setting any sort of goals and making any sort of changes ends up feeling very daunting and impossible. After awhile, most people quit.

The difficulty level of your goal has to be realistic for you to have success.

*Born around the 5th century BC, Sun-Tzu is said to be the “father of strategy’.


There has to be a method to your madness or else all you will have is madness. 

In order for goal setting to work, you need to understand that there is a goal-setting process that has to happen in order to have true success.

Knowing why goals work, and how to implement a goal-setting program is where it’s at for happy days.

Analyzing your progress as you go and keeping your plan in motion (adjusting as you go) is also part of the method.



Before you set out to make goals, you have to understand the definition of goals. What I mean by this is, there are objective and subjective goals, and one way works better than the other.

Objective goals:goal setting

These are goals that you can measure.

Example: I want to lose 2 inches in my waist in 2 months.

These types of goals are easy to set, keep up with, and reach.


Subjective goals:

These types of goals are not measurable.

Example: I want to look and feel better.

These goals are vague and are hard to achieve. These types of goals are the ones you talk about but find yourself not doing.



goal setting3 TYPES OF GOALS

Outcome Goals 

These goals have an end result that cannot be attained on your own.

These are often fun goals because you’re usually doing them with someone else, in a group or competition. Like running a 5K.

These goals are a little more difficult to control, however, because you aren’t 100% in control of the outcome.

Performance Goals  

This kind of goal is measurable and one you set for yourself with something you specifically want to accomplish on your own.

For example, if you want to add a certain number of extra reps to your workout or to run a mile further next week, you’re setting this according to your own personal performance.

Process Goals

These are small goals that support performance goals by giving you something to focus on as you work towards your performance goals.

Process goals are 100% measurable and in your control. Focus on these small things until you eventually achieve your final performance goal.



So, now, how does this work?

Let’s say you set a performance goal of losing 100 pounds. In the mean time, you have to set process goals at say, 10 pound intervals. These process goals get you to your performance goal. These goals can help you achieve an outcome goal of running a marathon in three years.

These steps work for any type of goal you may have. This is not just a process that only fits the health and fitness world.



Photo by Stefan Cosma


Your focus should always 
be on how to get to your final goal, 
not just your final goal.

Setting goals in this way is one hundred percent within your control and brings with it amazing end results.

Focus on the process.

goal settingSOME FACTS

“One of the most consistent findings in all behavioral psychology is that specific goals produce significantly better performance than easy goals, no goals, or do-your-best goals.” – Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (1990). A theory of goal setting & task performance.




goal setting
Photo by Jeshoots


When you set your goals, they need to be specific. Vague goals won’t get you anywhere. Here are a few examples of vague versus specific goals.

    • Vague: My goal is to lose weight.
    • Specific: My goal is to lose 30 pounds in the next 5 months.
    • Vague: My goal is to be a vegan.
    • Specific: My goal is to omit cheese this week and omit milk next week. By the end of the month I want to be completely dairy-free.
    • Vague: My goal is to exercise more.
    • Specific: My goal is to start power walking 3 days a week, and run 1 day a week, with 10 minute warm ups and cool downs, and I want to do this for 1 month, then set new fitness goals.

When you set your goals, set them with Ed Mylett-style ( #Maxout ) intent. Don’t set out to do-your-best. This just leaves too much room for excuses.

You will be more motivated if you have specific goals.

When you have specific goals, you can modify things as you go if you realize part way in that, say, you need more than 3 months to loose a specific amount of weight.

Instead of quitting, reassess, 
modify and carry on!

When losing weight, for example, maybe you didn’t count the plateau in your weight-loss process. Your body will reach a plateau and you will reach a point where you won’t lose weight for a little while. This is part of the process that many people don’t account for when setting specific goals.

It could also be something like setting goals to gain. It is possible that you forgot you were going on vacation for a week . If the only gym you have available only has a treadmill, your goals may take longer to reach.

If you set out to gain an inch in your biceps in a specific amount of time, but have to be away from the gym and modify your weight training, this is when reassessing your goals and being adaptable is necessary to still continue on your journey to achieving your ultimate goal.

This way, you can are still making progress, and still reaching your goal.



Setting realistic goals is a must for success. Period.

Goals that are too easy won’t challenge you enough to keep you focused on the end goal.

For me, when I set out to do a lot and achieve something difficult, I tend to stick to the plan verbatim. It keeps me on track, because I know that if I don’t stay on course, there will be no way that I can achieve what I set out to do.

When my goals are easy, I get too chill and start slacking. At this point, I know for a fact that I am not putting forth maximum effort to attain my desired goals.

On the flip side, if you set goals that are too difficult for yourself, you will quickly lose motivation, get frustrated, and probably quit.

You need to make sure that you’re setting goals at a pace that best suits you.


The best thing to do is to be real with yourself. Set out and begin with focusing on your process goals. 

Once you get into the process of reaching your goal and focusing on the how, the how can, and often times will, change. And this is okay.

Make sure that you reassess yourself, your goals, and keep a close eye on what you are capable of. Be real. Don’t allow yourself to use excuses.

Check yourself. Watch your ego, don’t hurt yourself. Watch your schedule, don’t overload yourself. And watch your achievement level. If you’re moving faster than you had set out to move, move your “bar” higher.


Goal setting


Any goal you set needs to be also have a timeframe that you want it accomplished by.

I love making vision boards, and vision boards are great in this instance. Vision boards can keep you focused on a specific timeframe. Without this, you can drag your goals on and talk the talk and not walk the walk, always saying you’re, “working on it”.

Don’t do this. It will take away your motivation.

Set a time limit and get ‘er done.

Long-term goals give you direction and set the stage for what you are trying to accomplish.

Just remember that having your eye on your long-term goal doesn’t always improve the journey.  Your destination may seem too far away and daunting, and you may quit.

Make sure you keep your process goals 
in your immediate sights.

Short-term goals help you stay focused on the small successes you’ve made. They also give you constant motivation to stay on course to your long-term goal.

This is how you take baby steps to your long-term goal. Doing this makes your ultimate goal possible.

This is also a way to allow for minor adjustments along the way so that you can stay motivated to keep moving forward.



Photo by Victor Freitas


Sorry to break it to you, but goals don’t work by themselves.Goals require commitment. Without commitment, you are most likely not going to put forth the effort and persistence it takes to achieve your goals.

Having a friend or accountability partner helps with this. When your friend is aware of your goals and what you’re doing, this helps with the motivation and stick-to-it-iv-niss.

If you don’t have someone to be accountable to, clone yourself and be accountable to you. JK – but seriously, find a way to keep yourself accountable. It will make the process a huge success!

A positive-minded accountability partner is where it’s at, but make sure they’re also someone who isn’t afraid to tell it to you straight. We all need positive vibes and reinforcement in order to stay motivated. This helps us stay determined as well.

You got this!


Goal setting
Photo by Soulsana


As you go on this goal-setting journey, make sure your goals continue to be practical and suitable as you go.

Have a planner or a reminder set in your phone, or some sort of monthly check in (with yourself). This is when you need to measure, reassess, weigh, check in with your accountability friend/partner, check your vision board, or whatever it is that you’ve decided is appropriate for motivation and for your progress report.


Check in with yourself monthly. 
Review and reevaluate.

There may be some areas where you are meeting your process goals and even acceding them. It could also be that you’re falling short on something else. Tighten up on the parts that are falling short and set the bar higher for the parts that you’re accelerating in.




You may prefer slightly difficult goals. You may prefer very difficult goals. Be you and set your goals accordingly. Don’t compare yourself to the person next door.

Photo by Bruce Mars

If you’re a gal or guy that is highly self-motivation, you probably will do fantabulous with extremely difficult goals.

But, if you’re not a highly self-motivated person and tend to have low levels of self-motivation, super difficult goals will decrease your performance and discourage you, so don’t sabotage yourself by comparing yourself to your neighbor.

You do you. Always. 
This is how you will be most successful.


Photo by Kelly Sikkema


Or wherever.

Writing things down and posting things where you see it often makes it hard to ignore.

Bathroom mirror anyone?

More about how to organize with sticky notes here


Photo by Jamie Street


You have to recognize when you need to make a change. This is done by self monitoring yourself during your goal setting process.

Reward yourself when you reach specific goals.

Have fun. You’ve got this!


7 Things That Ruin Your Sleep

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There are a lot of things that ruin your sleep. The older we get, the more difficult it is to sleep, but have you ever wondered why? I am sure you wonder every day, unless you’re a rare one that actually sleeps like a baby still. 

things that ruin your sleep
Photo by Bruce Mars

Sleep is so underrated until you can’t sleep. Then it becomes one of the most valuable things in your life!

How come some people sleep like babies and others just cannot seem to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake up when it’s time to get up, and actually feel rested?



Doctor Agatha M. Thrash, M.D. Preventive Medicine and founder of Uchee Pines health educational and wellness facility, said that, “Seven to eight times more women than men suffer from insomnia. Six hundred tons of sleeping pills are taken by Americans yearly.”

She also says that, “sleep before midnight is twice as beneficial as sleep after midnight, because growth hormone (useful in adults for repair and healing, cheerfulness and a strong mind) is produced mainly during the hours before midnight, and only when one is sleeping.”

She goes on to say that, “REM sleep is important for learning, memory, and adaptation. Irritability, anxiety, and mental disturbance follow REM deprivation.”

She further stated that, “sleep loss is associated with retention of nitrogen, sodium, and water; more protein is required to compensate for excessive losses which occur on the second day of sleep deprivation.”

So obviously, lack of sleep is bad but, we kind of know that. At least some of us do. If nothing else, we know it makes us grumpy. And nobody likes grumpy people.

You may not appreciate what I’m about to say, but take it or leave it. If you’re missing out on good ol’ Mr. Z’s, you might at least consider eliminating one (or two) or at best, seven, of these sleep robbers. You might actually begin sleeping better and sounder again!

things that ruin your sleep
Photo by Gaelle Marcel


I will be the first to tell you that the TV sometimes sends me to dreamland. But I don’t fall asleep to a TV on purpose.

Truth is, it is not actually the TV that puts you to sleep, but the relaxation, the zoning out, and the fact that you were previously tired before you started watching TV. And it is true, if I am not tired I don’t generally fall asleep watching TV.

Electronics emit a blue light that triggers your brain to stop making melatonin. The blue light exposure can delay the onset of REM sleep and lead to morning drowsiness.

I have five kids and I’ve got one that is particularly addicted to her phone. Not only her phone, but she has to have the TV on while she’s on her phone. And out of all five of my children, she is the one that struggles the most with a good night’s rest. Hmmm . . .

Alternatives to TV at night? Well, get the old board game out, a puzzle, a coloring book, some music and candles, and hang out with the family old fashion style. Read a paper book. Read a magazine. Work on a project or an art form. Do something that is not TV related.

Photo by Kelen Emsley


When kids play hard outside, moms always say, “at least they’ll sleep good tonight!” But did you know this goes for grown ups, too?

Folks, find a way to break a sweat. Every. Day. Exercise and wear yourselves out. Get out in the dirt, the snow, the water, the gym. Somewhere away from the chair, the couch or the bed. 

A study was done on young adult “weekend athletes” who played tennis or golf two or three times a week, and was published in Sports Medicine. They found that these “athletes” physical condition was only slightly better than completely sedentary individuals.

A little bit of exercise doesn't cut it. 

It’s important to make vigorous exercise a daily habit.  For ultimate health and great sleep, spend two hours a day exercising. One hour outside, another hour inside, either weight training or something equally active that forces you to use your muscles. For example, cleaning the garage, or something where you’re lifting pulling and pushing.  If done right house cleaning can be this. I break a sweat sometimes when I’m cleaning. 

Going to the gym is a thing, I go every morning (except on the weekend; that I leave for outdoor activities). But, studies have shown that exercising outside, particularly when the sun is shining, results in greater and steadier muscle growth. Plus, the benefits of fresh air work in your favor for a better night’s rest. 


Photo by Ariel Pilotto


Emerging scientific research has revealed a surprisingly positive and overlooked environmental factor on health: direct physical contact with the vast supply of electrons on the surface of the Earth.”

“Earthing (or grounding) refers to the discovery of benefits—including better sleep and reduced pain—from walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems that transfer the Earth’s electrons from the ground into the body.”

“Omnipresent throughout the environment is a surprisingly beneficial, yet overlooked global resource for health maintenance, disease prevention, and clinical therapy: the surface of the Earth itself.” G. Chevalier, S. T. Sinatra, and J. L. Oschman

Get outside and play in the dirt! 🙂


In 8 Steps to Improve Your Quality of Sleep  I mention this, but I’m going to say it again . . . Coffee and alcohol . . . These two things can really mess with your night.

It takes 4-6 hours for the body to metabolize caffeine, which is a stimulant that can disturb a good nights rest. Just 1 cup of coffee (even early in the day) can still effect quality sleep.

If you’ve decided to quit drinking caffeine altogether, it can take 2 weeks and up to 2 months of being off of caffeine, before the detox process is complete. During this phase, you may find it very difficult to rest, even though you’re not consuming caffeine at all.

Initially, a glass of wine helps a lot of people fall into blissful dreams. But did you know that, even though you fall asleep quicker and sleep sounder right away, it actually reduces rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. And the more you drink before bed, the more pronounced these effects. REM sleep happens about 90 minutes after we fall asleep. REM sleep is when you dream. It is also the part of your rest that strengthens your immune system. Deep sleep is “for your body” and REM sleep is “for your brain”.

Because alcohol messes up the natural sleep patterns in our bodies, the quality of shuteye is compromised.

Photo by Derek Thomson


As people age, they often develop more medical problems, if they don’t take care of themselves. Snoring and other sleep related breathing disorders tend to be more prevalent. Also, insomnia increases as you age, which again, is mostly because of health problems.

The underlying problem -with most problems- is your health.

But, health (most of the time) can be turned around. (Here’s your beginner’s guide to healthy living if you don’t know where to start!) You can add years to your life, literally, and you can also change how you feel. 

Exercising is the most important healthy habit you should develop, in order to live longer, sleep better and feel better! 

Aging doesn’t have to change your ability to exercise. If you exercise in your teens, twenties and on into your thirties and forties when it really counts, you’re going to be less susceptible to disease and other health issues, as well as insomnia.


Prevent the onset of aging by learning how to balance8life. Your mindset is going to be your power. Don’t give into the need to follow the masses and blame everything on age. Take your health by the b**ls. There are a lot of people that feel great at 30-90 who take care of themselves. 

Take care of yourself!  No excuses!

Wikipedia says that: The causes of aging are uncertain; current theories are assigned to the damage concept, whereby the accumulation of damage (such as DNA oxidation) may cause biological systems to fail, or to the programmed aging concept, whereby internal processes (such as DNA methylation) may cause aging.

Wikipedia isn’t the only place you can find this information. Scientists have actually put a lot of thought and time into the study of aging.

“Some of the most studied and best understood theories of aging involve what is happening on a cellular level. From exposure to damaging oxidants and free radicals, the “Free Radical Theory of Aging,” to declines in certain cellular systems like energy production, the “Mitochondrial Theory of Aging,” to another theory that is . . . , the “Sirtuin Theory of Aging.'” ~ Greg Fox.

7 months ago I started taking Nrf2,  a natural supplement that is clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress. It is essentially an anti-aging supplement that works at the cellular level.  I feel it. I am only 40, but I feel the difference! (Putting “only” in front of 40 really feels wrong, just being honest). Not only is Nrf2 “anti-aging”, but  after taking it for 3 months, I started sleeping through the night for the first time after my frozen shoulders, for 4 long years.


reduce oxidative stress


Afternoon naps are a glory hallelujah type of thing – in the moment. But then you wake up groggy, irritable or . . . you might feel great. However it is that you wake up, it wakes you up too much. 

Naps ruin your night because they prevent you from being tired at bedtime.
As a result, your good night sleep has just been sabotaged. 

AxioSkip out on the nap. Get up, move around, go outside, make some Axio, do something to wake up.

Regular Axio only has 100mg of natural caffeine in it. There are also decaf options. Axio also has the ingredients of the Nrf2, and it’s a brain wake up as well as an energizer. 


If you struggle with sleep, and sleeping all night long, it’s time to get on a regular routine.

You’ve got to have a bed time and a get up time. And this has to happen on the daily. 

I know – I don’t even do this that strictly. But I am pretty regular on my bed time being an approximate time every day.  My morning alarm is more difficult to get up to though, when I change it, and I always feel it. But generally speaking, if you sleep at a regular time and get up at a regular time, not only does your body know what to expect, but it is easier to be tired at bedtime and awake when it’s time to be up.

regularity is everything when it comes to sleep.

“Week-long irregular sleep schedules are significantly associated with lower self-reported morning and evening happiness, healthiness, and calmness during the week,” Akane Sano, PhD

Photo by Logan Nolin


Our bodies thrive when we take care of ourselves. For more on how to take care of your body, go to “blog” and discover everything you need to know about how to start your health journey. I show you how balance8life works on a daily basis. I teach you what balance8life is, and how to live a balance of these 8 methods to have a healthy, balanced life! (That’s a lot of balancing, but I think you get the idea!)

If you have any questions, I would be glad to answer to the best of my ability! And if I don’t have the answer, I’ll either find the answer or someone else that can give you an answer. So please don’t hesitate to ask! I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.


Fat Burning Techniques

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Fat burning techniques go deeper than dieting or cardio. Fat burning comes from a balanced lifestyle; it is essentially a lifestyle that should be lived daily, even when you’re not trying to burn fat.

Fat Burn

A healthy, balanced lifestyle sets you up for an amazing future of health for your mind, body and soul as well as emotions.

When one part of our health gets off kilter, the rest will spin out. Eventually we’ll have to start over. But that’s okay, starting over is better than abandoning ship completely.

Losing weight can often feel like an uphill battle. I have many friends that have struggled with weight for years and come to me for help.

Fat burning

The number one thing that I have witnessed as a downfall to success, has always been the lack of true commitment.

The decision has 
to be made.

Once you make the decision to lose weight and commit to it, that’s when things happen. Until then, talking and wishing and doing temporary diets and partial exercise programs for a week, (yes I say a week because I’ve witnessed this over and over) nothing will change. Weight comes off 5-10 pounds in, then the commitment somehow goes away and the pounds come piling back on. I have had many texts and phone calls from friends, crying about the fact that the weight went back on and ask what to do to fix it.

fat burn

Nobody can help you if you do not help yourself first.

Making the commitment and a solid decision,  is the number one and most important thing to tap into, for true fat burning results. 




Over half of our bodies are made up of water. To stay hydrated, we need to drink 8-12 eight ounce glasses of water per day.

If you grab a bottle of water instead of tea, coffee, juice, coke, etc., you’re saving yourself (about)  2.6 tablespoons (39 grams) of sugar per can.  8 cans of coke = 1 cup of sugar. This is double the amount of sugar in 1 slice of angel food cake. This in turn is a lot of calories and “fat” that drinking water will completely eliminate from your daily diet.fat burning

For a little more in depth on why sugar makes you fat, there’s a good article written by Dr. Jason Fung,  a Canadian nephrologist. He’s a world-leading expert on intermittent fasting and low carb, especially for treating people with type 2 diabetes. He has written three best-selling health books and he co-founded the Intensive Dietary Management program. Check out his article about sugar here.


I talk a lot about how amazing the vegan diet is. The number one reason I recommend the vegan diet is because it is a balanced diet that does several things all at once. If done right, it can help you maintain healthy weight, while fat burningkeeping your heart healthy, giving you energy, making you feel less tired, foggy and groggy, as well as the obvious; you’re saving animals. There are many reasons why a vegan diet is the bomb diggity.

You can maintain healthy weight a lot easier on a vegan diet, plus, it is a “diet” that you can continue to maintain after your “dieting” process is over. Since this diet is not a temporary fix, it is a permanent, healthy, lifestyle that can be maintained form birth to old age.

weight management


Just 30-60 minutes of exercise a day can take off roughly about 8-10 pounds in a 3 month time frame. The more you sweat, the more rigorous your exercise, and the longer you do your cardio, will determine how much weight what matters most
comes off and how quickly.

When exercising to lose weight, the best thing to remember is that muscle weighs more than fat. So, if you are weight training while losing weight, you may not lose as quickly, simply because you are gaining muscle while losing fat.


There are new studies that show that sunlight may actually burn fat. It was accidentally discovered and is still being studied. It’s speculated that this could partly be a reason why we pile on extra weight in the winter months when there is less sun exposure.

Sweating on the other hand, is not a calorie burner. Sitting in the sunlight sweating away is only dehydrating you. Once you drink water after sweating, you rehydrate, your weight is right back to  where you started. So don’t confuse sweating in the sun with calorie burning.

Sunlight also tends to suppress our appetites making us less likely to eat as much.

And then there’s always the vitamin D factor  we get form being in the sun, which is a plus, so don’t skip out on your time in the sun!


Sleep before midnight is twice as beneficial as sleep after midnight, as growth hormone (useful in adults for repair and healing, cheerfulness and a strong mind) is produced mainly during the hours before midnight, and only when one is sleeping. . . It is better to sleep between 6 and 9 hours daily, as persons who sleep less than 6 or more than 9 hours tend to live shorter lives than those sleeping 7-8 hours. Weight gain increases sleep needs. Weight loss decreases sleep needs.

With good sleep comes good energy and positive thinking which is a fantastic for an energetic exercise routine. When I wasn’t sleeping well, I really struggled to get the energy up to work out regularly. I did it, but it was so painful. It was 75% pure will power. Even then, I felt like my workouts were lacking. It was one of those, “any workout is better than no workout” days, but 3 times a week!

Nrf2When I started taking Nrf2 my afternoon fatigue vanished and 3 months in, I was sleeping through the night every night! My workouts, my recovery, and my energy has just been through the roof, which has resulted in gains I haven’t seen in years.

I highly recommend this nutritional supplement if you’re having trouble sleeping! It’s anti-aging, gluten-free, natural, and vegan!


Often times we don’t really give downtime the credit it deserves. Whether you meditate on a higher power or on the sound of your own voice, or repeat a Fat burningweird mantra, it is important to find time to be grateful. When you stop to be grateful for your life, the people in it, and love yourself, it helps put your mind in a positive place. Positive thinking removes the need for emotional feeding, and makes it easier for you to say no.

For more on meditation for beginners, click here!


Fresh air technically doesn’t burn fat. If you were to go outside and breathe in some fresh air, you can’t expect to drop 10 pounds. But, getting outside to work in the yard, walk, meditate, sunbathe, and play with the dog or the kids, is something that takes your mind away from eating for no reason. And a lot of weight is gained simply from eating out of boredom.


Be mindful of the amounts you eat, and how often you eat.

Fasting – or not snacking – between your meals is a huge weight loss trick that is so simple it’s hard to believe. 5-6 hours should go between your meals with nothing in between but water! Not even a single cracker or grape.

Eating backwards does amazing things for weight loss! Switch your meals around. If you want to eat 3 meals, have your typical dinner for your breakfast, and your breakfast for dinner. Most Americans tend to eat their heaviest and highest calorie meal at night. It should never be this way.



Vegan powerlifting champion, Jim Gurtner, says that eating or skipping dinner determined his weight gain and/or loss, depending on what competition he was going to be in and what his goals were.

For me, when I want to lose my extra little tummy quick or shed a few pounds fast, I always skip dinner. My last meal will be around 3 or 4pm and that’ll be it. This isn’t bad for your body and it doesn’t slow your metabolism. Fasting and giving your digestive system a break actually helps you lose weight and also increases your chances of having better health.



fat burning

Nothing kills goals, puts on weight, prolongs bad habits and keeps you from moving forward more than excuses.

Identify them. Get rid of them.


fat burningDieting is temporary and once your diet has run it’s course of 4-6 weeks (give or take) your bad habits step in to take the lead again. Dieting is a ticket for a rollercoaster ride of weight loss and gain and loss and gain. If you’re wanting to ride a rollercoaster, you’d do better going to 6-Flags.

For more on weight loss, read Principles of Weight Control here.



I would love to answer any questions you may have or hear about your weight loss journey! Please stop by and follow me on my social media so we can be friends!  I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life, so wherever you like to hang out best, you can find me!

What Matters Most?

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What Matters Most

What matters most to you, today, right now?


There are a lot of things that matter to a lot of people right now.

But forget other people, what matters most to you?


what matters most?
Treating your body right never tasted so good! AXIO increases your desire to eat and feel better, provides focus, clarity and energy.

Step down from everything going on around you right now and dig deep. What do you want for your future, for your body, your mind, your health?

I specially want you to try to figure out right now, what is it that actually matters to you today. Get specific. And then try to imagine your future self. Will it still matter?

For me, my health 
has always 


I not only like to feel good, but I also like the peace of mind that my good healthy habits provides me. Also, at 40 I can honestly say I feel like 18. I have no health problems, am happy with my weight, and have 5 children with zero health problems as well.

In all honestly, I can say that I can do whatever I want to do without aches, pains, low energy, headaches, fatigue, or lack of motivation.

What matters now, doesn’t matter at all, if you are not healthy enough to make what matters today, your reality tomorrow.


If you decided that your family, your job, your pet, your adventures, sports, hobbies . . . you name it . . . matter most, let’s look at them from another perspective.

Imagine how (insert what matters here) this thing would look in perspective of bad health. What if you were unable to walk without stopping every few seconds to take a breath? Maybe you already struggle with severe fatigue so much so that you can barely drive. What happens when you are too heavy to run and play with your children? What if you have a bad heart and don’t live to see your children get married? If you cannot enjoy your family and your hobbies because your health is bad, what comes first now?

Maybe you aren’t there yet. You might be young, thin, able to drink two gallons of coffee and feel great. Maybe you even go to the gym, but stop by McDonalds on your way home. You could even think that you don’t need to exercise because you’re already thin and feel okay, so why waste your time? (Looks can be deceiving, don’t forget about your heart.)

Whatever it is that you want in life, your health should be at the very top of your list of what matters today. Because if you are not healthy, you cannot function at peak performance. If you cannot function at peak performance, you cannot be your best you for those you care about. You will not be able to handle what matters most, if you do not make your health your priority.




“I’d rather enjoy my life and eat whatever I feel like eating.”

“I’m too tired to exercise after a long day of work. I’d rather just go home and relax!”

“One day I’ll do it, I’m just too busy right now.” 

“I’ll wait until my kids are grown and then I’ll take care of my health.”

What are your excuses for putting off your health? Do you truly think you are enjoying life when you repeat  these excuses to yourself?

If you have used (or do use) any of the above excuses,  maybe you are chuckling quietly to yourself right now. Because it sounds familiar.

what matters mostThe excuse mentality 
is all fine and dandy 
until it isn't.

Excuses pile on top of each other like little believable lies that we tell ourselves on a daily basis. I catch myself doing it, too. We are all culprits of excuses. But don’t forget that, until you acknowledge your excuses and see them for what they really are – lies – you won’t really be able to give priority to what really matters today.

Excuses are illusions of the mind and can be changed simply by making the decision to make something different happen.



The need to do nothing and have it all, mentality is great, in theory, until you dissect it and see what it truly is.

You think you’re doing yourself a favor by doing what you want and eating how you want. It’s fun. It feels good. You’re an adult. There’s nobody

what matters most Until you have hit that 200 plus pound mark and find it hard to breathe, bend over and tie your shoes, get in and out of the car, run with your kids, sleep without snoring, etc. Does that really sound like fun? Now you have high blood pressure, heart disease, you hurt everywhere, and have weight issues that are going to take years to set straight.

Sure you can do it, and I believe in you if you are there now! Until you are no longer in this world, it is never too late to make your health matter today.

Nobody intentionally decides to gain weight, have health problems, live half their life in a doctors office, and chug bottles of pills daily. But this is the result of not putting your health first. The result of not making your health what matters to you, today. And this is the result of over half the American citizens today.

It is so sad.


There are natural consequences to every choice we make in life, whether wise or unwise.
what matters most
If you choose to disrespect your own mental, spiritual and physical health, understand that you cannot blame anybody, but yourself, for the outcome of your decision.
It is time FOR YOU to take control of your health today.
At 40 years old, I am just now at a point where I am seeing the results of my healthy choices. I am beyond  grateful for my past healthy decisions. At this phase in my life, I am seeing  people suffering from not making their health matter today. I know people my age that are suffering with life-threatening disease. As a result of their poor choices, they have lost their ability to work (and play) at peak performance.
People are throwing away half their life 
by not making their health 
matter today.
Don’t allow another day to go by where you are another victim of this way of living. Own your body, respect it and take care of it!


I don’t care if you are 16 or 61, ~ if you want to change your life and make better choices, your health should matter today! It is time to make a change.

what matters most
The number one thing you have to face is change. Change can be

But what would you rather have? The discomfort of making a couple changes for the better? Or the discomfort of your body crying out by way of aching joints, tooth decay, headaches, too much weight, disease, etc.?




My purpose in writing this is to bring you to awareness of how important your health is and why it should matter. I want to help you begin your health journey and your lifestyle change.

I know that it isn’t easy, but keep in mind that nothing good ever came easy.



What matters mostWe simply cannot enjoy life if we are not taking care of our health.  Heartburn, headaches, low energy, aches and pains, and a host of common ailments that the majority of the population carry around with them as baggage, is not enjoying life. 

True enjoyment comes from feeling and looking the best that you can feel and look so that you have no limits in setting goals, accomplishing them and celebrating your successes.




If you are new to your health journey and really do not know how to put your health first, or where to start, read my Beginners Guide to Healthy Living! I break it down into baby steps for newbs. 🙂


And if you need help grocery shopping for healthy food, read my article, How to Grocery Shop for Healthy Food. It really isn’t as complicated as you’d think.






If you have never been to a gym and are scared, worried, intimidated or don’t know what to expect, read, Beginners Guide to Weight Lifting and Gym Life.







So now that you’ve thoroughly thought through what matters to you today, what do you want tomorrow, five years from now, ten years from now?

What change are you going to make right now? What are you going to do to get uncomfortable starting right now?

Please feel free to comment below, contact me on social media and follow me here! Tell me what matters to you and how you are going to make your health a priority!

I love hearing from my readers. 🙂 I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.


Regularity is Overrated

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Regularity is seriously overrated . . .


Regular gas, regular food, regular life, and regular thoughts are just that. They are regular! Have you ever thought about the fact that maybe a little premium upgrade would do you some good?regularity

When we say the word food, as is happening right now, I am sure you are thinking of things like apples, pie, pizza and peppers. Errr . . . You could be thinking about ice cream and coffee. Because, let’s face it, there are people that basically live on ice cream and coffee.

. . . I think.

Today I was reading about luxury cars and fuel. I read that, “Using regular gas in an engine that requires premium could void your warranty.”

Now I know I’m talking about food and our bodies here, so what does a car with premium gas have to do with it?

Well, I was thinking about how we care for our bodies. Some people are willing to pay the price for premium fuel for longevity of life, top notch health, a great physique and just an all around healthy lifestyle. Yet, there are others that prefer regular (even poor) fuel because it’s easier and less expensive, but they suffer greatly.

Sadly these folks don’t realize they are suffering because of the poor quality fuel they have been regularly pumping into the their premium tank. (Or tummies, whichever you want to call it.)


These last several months with everything going on, our mental fuel has been less than mediocre.  I’d classify it as ice cream and coffee, or fries and candy bars, type of poor.

These things have been tedious on my mind and emotions, basically, ripping apart my soul and leaving it out to bleed. Okay, that was dramatic. But I don’t think that’s too far from the case for America right now. Her heart is bleeding, and it is taking bits out of our mental and emotional wellbeing.

How often do you think about the quality of fuel you fill your car with? Or do you prefer to save money with regular fuel? And how often do you think about paying for organic, fresh food? Or do you prefer to save time and grab something to go? And how often do you think about paying a little extra attention to reading a book of depth to fuel your mind? Or do you opt for laying back and swiping through social media, or watching TV?


Our health is not just the food we do (or do not) eat. It is a balance of internal, external and unseen fuels that our entire being needs, to purr like a Bugatti! Nobody is going to put any sort of cheap fuel in a Bugatti! They’d be out of their dang mind!

(No, this is not a Bugatti, I just liked this picture cause it’s cool, okay). :p


Most of us aren’t taught to change our own oil, tire, replace hoses, spark plugs, etc. Many of us are equally unlucky in the self care department. We aren’t taught how to properly take care of our bodies and minds. And, since we don’t know, we don’t teach our children. And the cycle goes around and around.

Good news is, we can break the cycle now!

Let’s get something straight. Regular is good for a regular mind in a regular person with regular emotions and regular work schedules, which lends to regular lunch breaks with regular food. And being regular is – okay. But do you really want to be . . . regular?


Let’s take things to the next level. As we upgrade our bodies by improving our exercise regime and feed our bodies with premium (healthy) fuel (food) let’s take into account our minds.

It is so important to seriously look at what it is we are feeding our minds and regularity

Firstly, let’s look at info, because information is sort of a big deal.

  • Information . . .

How do we get it, where do we get it, when do we get it and what are we getting?

Social media and TV plays a huge part in the quality of mind’s health or likewise, the depth of its illness. It is the seed to which thoughts begin to form which then can generate all sorts of good and bad strong emotions.

There was a saying I read recently that I absolutely loved.


Last week, I talked about meditation, and how it can give us clarity in a time of unsettling world vibes. So right now, while we’re bombarded with all sorts of strong emotions through social media, TV, friends and family and coworkers, it is important to take a step away for clarity.

It is equally important to pay close attention to what you are taking in, processing and allowing to become part of you as a person.


Our minds are just as important as our bodies. In fact, it is scientifically proven that our bodies are directly effected by our minds/thoughts.

In the past, modern medicine largely continued to treat the mind and body as two separate entities. But in the past 30 years, research into the link between health and emotions has made significant changes, observing that our minds and our personal health are in fact very interrelated.

“According to the mind–body or biopsychosocial paradigm, which supercedes the older biomedical model, there is no real division between mind and body because of networks of communication that exist between the brain and neurological, endocrine and immune systems,” said Oakley Ray, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Psychiatry and Pharmacology at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN, USA). More on mind-body research can be found here.


I vibe off of positivity.

Don’t allow yourself to sit under a cloud for too long.

The longest I have sat under a dark cloud recently was when the coronavirus hit. Stunned, I was, as Yoda would say. I lost my job. The gym closed. The kids had to do school at home. We weren’t allowed out of our house. Some places still won’t let us in without wearing a dreaded mask. What on earth? That took me a minute to shake, I won’t lie. regularity

When my mental state gets off balance, my body follows, and I physically, mentally, and emotionally just suck at life. (Errr, that’s what my mind likes to tell my self and then I just start to ride a little rabbit down a long dark hole).

So now I am going to give you some awesome positive vibes, okay?


Ed Mylett.

I follow this guy all over my social media. I receive his e-mails, listen to his podcasts, get his texts, and read his book. This man is a powerhouse of personal motivation. His motto is #Maxout. And I am not kidding, he knows how to push you to literally max out your life! I appreciate him because he is humble, he is real, he is not showy at all, and somehow when I listen to his podcasts in the morning, I feel as though something in me just loaded my rocket into outer “I-can-do-this” space.


Jen Sincero.

Read her books!

As she puts it, “If my broke @$$ can get rich, you can too.” And I am telling you what, her books are easy to read and so hysterically great. And it’s not all Regularity about getting rich monetarily, only. She talks about being rich as a human, in health, body, dreams, etc.

If you can’t handle a little language, don’t bother buying her books. But I will say that the few “bad words” she uses definitely won’t compare to the immense amount of self-love and motivational gems she has to offer an open mind.



Nimai Delgado.

I have mentioned this man as someone to go to in  Five Ways to Stay Fit at Home for motivation when working out at home. But his positive and motivational vibes run thick throughout his instagram feed.




Zig Ziglar.

I have linked his instagram here because that’s what I appreciate. It fills my feed
with motivational quotes daily. But you can also go to ziglar.com if you are not on instagram.





Dope Lemon.

Everybody has their own taste of music.

I love Dope Lemon. Their music Regularity always just puts me in a great mood. But, music is really powerful.

If you're in a 
down place in 
life, don't 
listen to 
depressing music.

Try to find happy, powerfully uplifting music that puts some pep in your step and go clean house with it cranked.


Be a kid and get out the coloring book.


There’s nothing like coloring for some methodical quiet time. Listen to an Ed Mylett podcast, or an audio book, make some lavender chamomile tea and get in the zone.

Or not. I like to though.


Fill in the blanks.regularity

What is it that makes you happy and puts your mind in a good place? Is it art? Is it nature? Hiking? Camping? The beach? A day trip? A cup of tea? Talking to a friend? Walking the cat? Petting the dog? I mean, I’ve seen cats on leashes . . .



Grateful journaling. Regularity

What are you grateful for? 
Right now, 
in this 
present moment?

“The simple habit of reflecting on what you’re grateful for can actually lead to a happier, more content life. All it takes is a few moments of your time and a gratitude journal to record your thoughts. Gratitude journals are not unlike the diary you kept as a teenager, but instead of writing random thoughts about your day, you write about the things you’re grateful for—big or small.” ~ A bit of Shutterfly knowledge



Fatigue, the inability to focus, and the energy to sustain an entire day of good vibes can be harder for some more than others.

Don’t worry, I have the perfect things for that.

NAD – doubles sirtuin (a type of protein involved in regulating cellular processes including the aging and death of cells and their resistance to stress) activity in 24 hours. This particular little supplement increases focus, energy, mental clarity and also puts you in a good mood! Try it here!

AXIO – Is just flat out tasty, and I can’t seem to keep it in the house. My boyfriend and my kids are basically addicted. Axio takes a different approach to energy, especially formulated to give energy to your mind, not just your body. It is designed to deliver mental clarity, focus and concentration without jitters. There are decaf options that work great for kiddos! More here! 🙂


Take some time away from the craze of the world and chill.

How do you fix your vibes?

Please feel free to comment below, contact me on social media and follow me here! I love hearing from my readers. 🙂 I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.



Meditation for Beginners

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Meditation can be a deep subject, and I will touch on a little bit of that, but this article is all about taking advantage of being quiet and taking a break, solo.

There is a lot going on in our world right now. First it was COVID-19, now the BLM Movement and all that is going along with that.

It really doesn’t matter which side you’re on politically, emotionally, white, black, young, or old. All to this is emotionally tiresome.


meditation for beginners


Meditation as a break from social media 

Right now, I am finding that social media and the news is extra exhausting. The information coming at me and the tension in the air is mentally and spiritually draining.

Quiet time can be cleansing for the soul. It can be an escape from the onslaught of negativity and confusion entering our minds through social media, the news, and conversations that are concentrated on one single subject.

Meditation can offload the overload

I personally have spent a good share of my time educating myself on what is going on in our world right now. I’ve gone as far back in history as the 1600’s, trying to understand where people are coming from. I enjoy learning new things about our history.

Debating and talking, listening and learning, can turn into major overload at times, and we need to offload in other ways than by feeding the chaos. What I mean by feeding the chaos is, we need to give others a break as well. Stay off of social media and the intense political subjects surrounding us.

Quiet time is the perfect outlet for brain overload rest.

Meditation can help sort the clutter

I have recognized that my mind has been cluttered with information. My soul is emotionally hyper. Not only have I had a more difficult time sleeping, but overall, I feel like my spirit is discontented.

Educating ones self and being privy to what is going on around us is important, but it is equally (or probably more) important to be sure that we feed our spiritual health, especially when things are extra intense around us.

Quiet time is almost like feeding the soul. It is the vitamin that can bring balance to our imbalanced and troubled minds.

Just as we went through the Coronavirus pandemic, we also now have a mentally draining pandemic of chaotic opinions and strong emotions.

Friends are “breaking up”, blocking and deleting each other on social media, and not speaking to one another, all because of heightened emotions and differing opinions.

Meditation empowers us

To stay healthy and strong during this Coronavirus pandemic, we need to eat things that strengthened our immune systems to fight off disease. Alongside that, it is now time to be careful how we take care of our spiritual and mental health. It’s time to build healthy walls of protection around our emotions and make room for mental clarity.

Just like we need the right foods to keep us healthy during the Coronavirus scare, we need to allow our minds a chance to power up. This happens when we allow our minds to rest.

Meditation as a new and old concept 

Meditation is a new concept to a lot of people, and to others, very familiar. There are several different types and levels of meditation as well. It can be an extremely deep topic and can be discussed and picked apart for hours. It can also be deeply religious as well as not religious at all.

Meditation for beginners

The oldest documented evidence of the practice of meditation are wall arts in the Indian subcontinent from approximately 5,000 to 3,500 BCE, and written evidence as far back as 1500 BCE.

Meditation is also mentioned in Psalms in the approximate year of 1063 BC.

Meditation has ancient roots, but it is also very popular in todays age. I know several people have a lot of hesitation when it comes to meditation and choose to steer far around the concept, but the people that I have spoken with that choose to omit meditation, I have found they do not know anything about it. They only feel like something is wrong with it.

Meditation and being educated 

Before I go much further, I want to disclose that I am not a mindfulness teacher, and it is a good idea to thoroughly research the topic before you choose to go to a retreat, or participate in guided meditation.

For those of you who are wary of the concept, you are not wrong to proceed with caution. There have been studies that have shown negative effects of some types of meditation.

It is important, if you are going to truly dive deep into meditation, to do your research.

That being said, I want to clarify to you that when I speak about meditation, I am mostly referring to solo quiet time. Time away from the TV, from your phone, from noise, from social media, or whatever else it is that could be causing mental and emotional imbalance and turmoil.

There are a couple different types of meditation that I am going to point out here.

There is a Biblical meditation and a Buddhist meditation.

meditation Biblical meditation engages the mind. Buddhist meditation can engage the mind but it can also empty the mind.



When you have time and if you are interested, read about the Eightfold Path and you will understand a little better, the path to mindfulness according to Theravada Buddhist.

Personally, I like to keep meditation simple and basic. Some people may not even technically consider my version of meditation, meditation. But – it is calming, I benefit from it, and I teach this to my children.

To me it is very important to take time to “meditate” or in other words, be quiet.

If you’re  a beginner, or if you’re not wanting to dive deep into meditation, but do desire clarity and freedom from the clutter in your mind, look no further.


Just find a quiet place and sit or lay in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Breathe. Focus your attention on something, whether that be your breathing, an image, a verse, a sound, a shape, a color, a positive thought, etc.

Meditation can last anywhere from 5 minutes to several hours. I prefer 5+ minutes.

Annnnd . . . That is it.

Here are three easy ways to add meditation to your day. These are my favorite ways to meditate.



Meditating with music simply gives my mind a calming background of sound to focus on. I have had it be the element that literally evokes mental freedom.

Choose music that creates a mental image of wide open space, calming images, or offers the privilege to envision something bright, natural and happy.

The purpose of this  is to remove yourself from the thoughts that are cluttering your mind. It is not to solve problems or figure them out, rather to go somewhere else altogether.

I prefer music with nature sounds, and especially water. I am not sure if it is because I am a Scorpio and water is my sign, or if it is simply because it is soothing to me. Whatever it is, water is the most calming sound for me.



If you can go into nature, do it. At first it feels wide open and possibly even uncomfortable, or it cold be the complete opposite. Nature provides the perfect space to be quiet while focusing on the sounds of wind, birds, and other natural elements to escape with.

Breathe in the fresh air. Consciously allow your shoulders and limbs to relax as if you are about to fall asleep. This is when you find the sounds of nature to focus on. It is okay to think. The key is to think about what you hear in the moment. And then, find something to be grateful for about what you hear. Keep it simple.



You don’t have to leave the house or plan out your time for a 10 minute shower. I live in the city, so going outside to meditate sometimes can be tricky.

I need clean, neat and comfortable places where I can be quiet in order to fully relax.  My bathroom is very clean, and taking a warm bath or a shower is not only soothing, but a place in a moms world where escape and quiet is just going to happen.

I use my Bluetooth speaker for meditative music, and with the door locked, I am rarely bothered. I find this the simplest and easiest place for me to go if I need uninterrupted quiet time.

This might not be the ticket for everyone, but I am 5 feet tall so sitting in the shower is easy for me. If you can do this, close your eyes and reach out with your senses and listen. Feel the water and then just breathe.

It is not uncommon for my mind to start wandering around and focusing on my day ahead, but when this happens to you, it is important to train your mind to return to your focus point. If you’re in the shower and focusing on the sound of the water, imagine it is rain. Imagine a puddle of water and paint a picture of something soothing and peaceful in your mind to focus on. Go there every time your thoughts wander somewhere not so peaceful.


Meditation takes practice

It takes practice and patience to learn how to relax, redirect your thoughts, and focus on something simple.

If you are a Christian and Biblically meditating, find your comfortable place, your verse of choice and repeat the words until you begin to go further than the words alone. Feel them, sink into the verse with your being until you almost feel one with the word.

Meditating isn’t necessarily about emptying your mind. It can be. But for me it is a redirection of thoughts. It is making space to find something good to focus on. It is a place to go away from the troubles and permission to focus elsewhere.

After meditating, I often find that the “time out” from the clutter really clarifies a lot for me and I often feel less tense. I also find that I start to see other perspectives on my own without having to discuss things with others. I also realize that often times, there are a lot of things I once thought were important that are not at all, and I can throw those thoughts completely out and start from scratch.

I wish all of you a peaceful moment or two in your day! (Hopefully more than two!)

Please feel free to comment below, contact me on social media and follow me here! I love hearing from my readers. 🙂 I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.

Definitely hit me up or email me and let’s chat!



How to Balance8 Thanksgiving

We had big plans for Thanksgiving this year.

Had is the key, magic, word.

There are 21 of us in the family and we originally had big. Huge. Plans. For Thanksgiving. But things kind of just kept not getting planned beyond talk, and the summer came and went, school started, and fall started dropping leaves on my doorstep. Hello? Who said it was time for you to visit?

So . . . My boyfriend did what he does best, took control of the situation (in a very kind and thoughtful way), and canceled the entire family gathering event. Not that we don’t love each other, it just wasn’t really coming together.

Sometimes things just kinda go that way.

Now? Well, . . . My boyfriend, kids and I, are on the 3rd floor of our apartment complex. We’re friends with all of our neighbors. So between the four of us, apparently we’re all (ironically), not with extended family this year. So, we’re going to have Thanksgiving together in our breezeway!

Much more chill.

But there’s still stuff to plan, food to make, activities to come up with for the kids, etc.

And we’re not all vegan. Or vegetarian. No. Big. Deal.

I’m not a simplicity wizard, but I am in training for specialized wizardry of sorts, and I am going to show you how this Thanksgiving can get real chill and uncomplicated real quick.


Remember the why behind the 8 methods.  When you remember why you are doing balance8life, it helps keep you focused and balanced. (It’s to center yourself in mind, body and soul, in case you forgot).

All of the 8 methods that I have been teaching you are a set up for success with things like the holidays. 

Balance8life refresher:


. . . it is a set up for self control in the dessert section, and the amount of food you load onto your plate. It’s not never eating sweets, it’s keeping it to one and enjoying that one, instead of a plate full or, none.


. . . as I’ve mentioned in other articles, can taste good and be healthy, too. There are so many tasty foods that I adore, that are actually good for you that won’t put on the weight!


. . . is a must around the holidays. When you’re already in a good routine, it is habit to go to bed and wake up at the same time, so why not just stick to the routine? If your routine has to change – just make sure you’re getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep. For your sanity!


. . . should be like eating. Something you just do daily! I get up at 5:00am every day – trust me, on Thanksgiving vacation, everybody is going to be sleeping in and ready for breakfast around 11, so go to the gym or exercise at 5:30am and you still have time to make breakfast before everybody gets up. Or whatever – hit the gym mid-afternoon while everybody else is napping, take the family, do something active together as a group. Just make it happen.

Sunshine and fresh air 

. . . is a little difficult to get when you’re inside cooking and cleaning, but one of our family traditions is to take a walk together after lunch. All you need is 10 minutes, so help the fam out and make it 30 – exercise and get fresh air and vitamin D/ sunshine all at once!


. . . doesn’t have to be traditional meditation with legs crossed isn absolute silence. This can even happen in the early morning while praying or focusing on a positive proverb or saying. It is just a time of quiet peace away from the chaos and doesn’t have to be more than 5 minutes, but can be as long as you want! It really brings the chaos into perspective.


. . . is a must when you’re taking care of feeding the troops or chasing after kids and grandkids. Keep a pretty pitcher on the bar or in an easy place, and make it easy for you as well as the family, to stay hydrated. Make it pretty and add lemons and apples or limes! It can look and taste amazing!


When you’re at the point where you know you’re about to reach the place where you stress the most, or freak out the most, and become less balanced, this is when it’s show time for balance8life in motion! This is when you get to show off everything you’ve been learning . . . Or, maybe everything you’re learning get’s to show off?

Read my article Balance8life In Motion for a reminder on how to actually live these 8 methods for balanced health in mind body and soul, on a day-to-day basis.

When the above 8 things are always present in your day, you just simply feel better and your stress level naturally decreases. The fresh air, sunshine and meditation are especially for stress, so don’t leave these seemingly insignificant methods out of your day, especially during the holidays!


So to the actual holiday stuff!

I am a huge advocate of planning and writing things down. I don’t, however, do it much. But, a little “time out” with a pen and a piece of paper, planner, marker board, chalkboard, or the palm of your hand, works, too.

Write the crazy stuff down, all the way down to what color decor you want to re-do the entire house in before the family piles in. (I don’t mean that literally, but if it makes you feel better, do it). Seriously though, write down what first comes to mind, (activities, food, outfits, new candles, date and time of day, etc.). The main big stuff. Write it down. The complicated stuff. Write it down.

Then, get real. What is most important to youNot your mom or your great aunt. You. Write that down.


The root of every plant is always covered in dirt. If the root of Thanksgiving is being thankful, then the thing closest to the root is what’s around it -the dirt. Obviously, I’m not literally saying “eat dirt for thanksgiving dinner”!

I’m saying, remember that it isn’t about the decor and the food. Strip away the fluff and get down to the “dirt” (the vibe) that bonds with the roots (thankfulness). If you start there (at the root) and work your way out, only include what you can actually handle without hyperventilating about re-painting the dining room,  and make the holiday truly memorable.


No? Okay. Fine. Be that way. I’m just saying what everybody else says. No is a great word. I’m still learning how to pronounce it and define it and live with it. But I suggest you do the same. Chew on it a bit. It might taste a teensy bit bitter on the front end, but it’s smooth on the back end with a little zesty notes on the edges. It’s quite delicious, eventually.

Savor the meaning and action of the word, “no”.


Lock down your budget and don’t let it go. Put cash in your wallet/purse and leave your credit cards behind. Go shopping with a detailed shopping list, and don’t deviate from it. And, if you do, deviate by way of eliminating even more than you set out to do. Keep it simple, keep it basic, keep it all about the ‘tood, not the food. Good vibes, thankfulness and smiles with some mashed taters and a basic salad is fine and dandy.


Keep the menu simple? Maybe do three main dishes? Maybe not? But simplify the amount of food you make so that you can spend half your day cooking and the other half cleaning, instead of one day for each. Nobody is going in your closet (and if they are, they deserve the smell of dirty laundry).


And this is the end of this article. I am going to let you figure out how you want to complete (or leave incomplete) the chaos (or peace) of your holiday.

I’m all about balance, and sometimes balance means letting things go, even your feelings of guilt for not meeting the expectations of your family or even, possibly, your own self.


Last, but not leastest .  . . It’s okay to actually be okay with not doing things traditionally, or perfect. It’s okay to just let it go. (And go watch Frozen or something. . .)

If you have any cool ideas to add to the stew of great holiday balance ideas, I’m totally down to hear them! Hit me up on any of the social media platforms you enjoy the most. I’m on (almost) all of them. . .  Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest ,Linkedin, and balance8life.




Beginners Guide to Healthy Living

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Get healthy? What does that mean? How does a beginner even… go there?

I get it! Starting off on your health journey can be really hard when you don’t know where to start.

My article, Balance8life In Motion is a great example of how to incorporate all 8 methods  of health into a single day without feeling overwhelmed.

But let’s just get started here with a few tips for beginners, because, if you’ve never in your life done anything particularly “healthy”, getting started is overwhelming!



Get into a healthy mindset. What does a healthy person think? Well, since everybody is different, I don’t know what everybody else thinks! But, I think self improvement, and self improvement means: learn, study, be open to change, set goals, ask questions, etc.

 Ask yourself, “Is this a healthy choice?”

Even if you don’t know the answer, start by asking the question, then begin the learning process. You don’t have to go far, browse my blog for lots of great stuff for healthy thoughts, healthy food, exercise, how to get good sleep, how to set goals,  etc.!

Meditation isn’t something everybody is comfortable with. If you are comfortable with the idea, take some time to search “meditation for beginners” on Pinterest or Google, and begin to train your mind to be calm.


Replace sodas and all other drinks with water, and try to get 8 cups of water (or 4, 16oz water bottles) in per day.


Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies with your meals, not between. Try to begin the process of not eating anything between your meal times.


Get active. Depending on what you’re used to doing, this can mean anything from cleaning your house to bumping up your activity level to a 5K.

If you’re used to doing absolutely nothing,  start by walking (walk quickly, as if you’re in a hurry to get somewhere) and just be active in general.

Clean your house – mopping and vacuuming actually gets your heart rate up. Walk the neighborhood. Swim. Get creative, do whatever it is that you can think of, that you might enjoy, that keeps you off the couch or out of bed.

Be active for 30 minutes total in your day. If you need to break this up into 10 or 15 minute intervals throughout your day, that is a fine place to start. But make sure you time it.

Whatever it is you’re doing, when you start feeling your breathing become slightly difficult, and you can’t talk unless you stop, that is where you need to be for as long as you can, while you’re doing your 10-15 minute intervals.

While your heart rate is high like this, never sit down. Just slow your walking pace until you can breath normal again before you sit. (This is called a “cool down”).


In order to have a clear mind and a good attitude, and the energy it takes to make successful change, your body needs 6-10 hours of sleep. 6 if you’re older, 10-12 if you’re under 20 years old.


Fresh air helps with sleep, cleans your lungs, clears your head and makes things smell good. Air out your home and car. Let in all that fresh air. It’s good for you.

Better yet, get out in it! Meditate, exercise, eat, or just sit on your phone outside if social media is your thing and you’ve got a break at work, take a “social media break” outside.


Sunshine is good for you. No sunscreen here! 10 minutes is all you need in an entire day to get your vitamin D. And you need vitamin D so that your bones can absorb calcium.


We all need a break, even from the things we love. And we all like things that aren’t exactly good for us.

Moderation is where it’s at. Moderation is great friends with meditation. It is good training for self-control.

Start practicing self control by limiting yourself to treats (whether that is a food, a drink, a TV show, an activity, etc.) to only certain times in the day or week. Start spacing the time out between your indulgences to once a week or month and then every other month, (depending, of course, on what it is you’re doing), until you have a good handle on your self-control.

The cool thing with self control is, the more you practice it, the stronger it becomes. 

This way, you begin the process of moderation by only allowing yourself to engage in things that aren’t exactly good for you, every once in awhile. This is good training for your future fitness and health goals once you’re ready to take it to the next level.

This is also a great way to begin the process of eliminating the things that are really bad for you! Some things just have to go, if you truly want to be healthy.

But don’t worry – we’re not focusing on that right now. 


It is always best to start small. Baby steps is the only way to begin. Read my article Six Steps to Setting Goals that Last once you’ve gotten a few days or weeks into what we just talked about! This will help you take things to the next level!

If you have any questions, I’m here! And if I don’t have the answer, I’ll either find the answer or someone else that can give you an answer. So please don’t hesitate to ask! I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.




Balance8life in Motion

Balance8life In Motion


Balance8life in motion is simply that. It is always changing, evolving, moving, shifting, and never is one position of balance maintained for a long period of time before another one comes in to take its place.

Balance8life is actively engaging 8 expressions of health to our daily routines for true completion. It’s a dance. It’s a touch and go. It will always be in motion, and you will never stay in one place for too long, or the balance will slip away.

Balance8life is an orbiting cycle of balance and harmony within our minds, our souls, and our bodies as well as our emotions.  


It doesn’t seem that important, especially to teenagers, who, ironically, need more sleep than adults. There are so many things that distract all of us from getting the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep.

To name a few: caffeine, alcohol, eating too heavy of a meal too late into the evening. A new relationship,  sports, TV, partying,  school, worry, anxiety, health issues, snoring, poor air quality, light, noise, or lack of, etc.

Read this article for tips on how to have better quality sleep.

Once you’ve truly had a good night of sleep, the next thing to do, the first thing in the morning, is . . .


Start on your first 32 ounces of water as soon as you get up. You’ll be surprised how quickly you can get through that much water in the morning.


Some people have a very difficult time hitting the gym first thing in the morning, so this is only an example schedule, but not the only way to work this.

My boyfriend and I head to the gym before the sun is up, and really enjoy it as an energizing start to our day. When you hit the gym in the morning, you don’t need coffee!


When I get home from the gym, I eat. And breakfast is supposed to be the biggest meal of the day. I admit, I don’t always make it the biggest, but I do always have a nutritious meal. It’s simple and definitely not overly complicated.

I typically have granola with soy or almond milk, topped with berries or other fruit. I make my own granola and load it up with nuts and seeds. Oats are great for lowering cholesterol and for keeping it in check.

My typical breakfasts look a little like this: granola with soy milk and fruit, and maybe a bagel or toast. Scrambled tofu (vegan egg substitute), homemade muffins, pancakes or biscuits and gravy. All whole wheat, all low in sugar and very high in protein, fiber, and carbs for energy. (You gotta have carbs y’all, it’s a total must!)


This is my weakness and simultaneously one of my favorite things to do. The reason is, I have a difficult time just being still. I feel like if I’m not doing something productive, then I am being lazy. So I probably need this the most out of all of these. The others, for some reason, just aren’t that difficult for me to do on the daily.

The thing I have to keep in mind, is meditation is being productive. It is being productive in the way of strengthening and rejuvenating the spirit and emotions.

Meditation centers our self in a way that protects our thoughts, our emotions, and our positive vibes!

I don’t know about you, but I really need this a lot. When I do meditate, my day always goes so much better, uplifting, and all around I tend to be more focused on the good in others rather than the negative.

Something else that I love about meditation, is that it doesn’t take long, and you can do it along with the the next two components of health: sun and fresh air


We  need our vitamins, and we get these in our veggies and fruits, but vitamin D comes from the sun! And vitamin D is what enables our bones to absorb calcium. We kinda need that; I like the idea of being up in the gym still well into my 70’s and beyond without broken hips and such.

So while you’re meditating, all you need is 10 minutes in the sun to get all the Vitamin D you need in your day. That’s it!

For more about the benefits of sunshine, read my article What is the 8 in Balance8Life?  And, The Bright Side of Sunshine. 


Fresh air is calming, it cleanses our minds and gives us perspective, plus it cleans out our lungs and our homes. Fresh air is the perfect setting for elevated meditation. Combine meditation in the sunshine and fresh air, and you’re accomplishing 3 things at once without much effort at all.


At the end of my day or week, or both, I like to do something for me. This is when I do lazy, or indulge in a cheat day, activity or food. Or whatever it is that I normally wouldn’t do.

Moderation has to be applied to everything in our day, all day long. Work, (ehem… talking to me here) the amount of food we eat, the treats we indulge in (and when we indulge), the people we are around, the thoughts we have, the amount of time we sleep, and how much we play. Without moderation, we simply can’t have a balanced lifestyle.

And this, my friends, is balance8life in motion. 


It doesn’t matter how you go about fitting these things in your day. You can exercise in the sun and fresh air, you can sit and work in the sun and fresh air, you can exercise in the later part of your day, the point is, all 8 elements need to be incorporated daily for the ultimate balance experience.

And keep in mind, it is a dance; a touch and go experience. You will have perfect balance in a moment, and your next moment could be complete chaos.  But the more you incorporate these 8 methods into your day, the more you will find yourself in moments of balance, and the moments will last longer, the more you bring them back around.

Have fun, don’t stress. Stress will break the momentum. Just do it.

I’d love to hear how you make this work for you! I’m a real person and I like real people, too! So hit me up on any of the social media platforms you enjoy the most. I’m on (almost) all of them. . .  Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.





8 Steps to Improve Your Quality of Sleep

8 Steps to Improve Your Quality of Sleep


Whether you’re going to catch some Z’s, crash, hit the hay, get some shut-eye, hit the sack, go nod off for a spell, snooze a bit, turn in, or . . . just catch forty winks, all you want, is just to sleep!

Whatever it is that you like to say when you are about to go to bed, it all means the same thing, and that thing often doesn’t happen for a lot of people, at least not in the way they want it to!

There are a lot of reasons some of us can’t fall asleep, or wake up in the middle of the night, unable to fall back to sleep. It can be a busy mind, medication, work, kids, stress, health, etc. But I’m going to give you just a few tips that I hope can help you improve your quality of sleep!


As annoying or uncool as it may seem, our bodies are actually extremely responsive to habits and regularity. When these get all messed up, it throws off our circadian rhythm.

when we follow a regular schedule, our bodies become accustom to it and our quality of sleep tends to be much better.

In a Neuroscience and Biobehavioral review done by Zelinski El, he says, “Health problems can result from a disturbance to the circadian rhythm.”

 The circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours.

Although the circadian rhythm is built-in, it is adjusted to the local environment by external cues, which include light, temperature and redox (chemical reaction) cycles. This is why we are able to adjust when we start staying up later, working nights, travel, etc.

Symptoms of depression, high blood pressure, migraines, and other health issues and diseases, worsen, when our sleep cycle is interrupted. Even one night of missed sleep can create a prediabetic state in an otherwise healthy person.


It takes 4-6 hours for the body to metabolize caffeine, which is a stimulant that can disturb a good nights rest. Just 1 cup of coffee (even early in the day) can still effect quality sleep.

If you’ve decided to quit drinking caffeine altogether, it can take 2 weeks and up to 2 months of being off of caffeine, before the detox process is complete. During this phase, you may find it very difficult to sleep, even though you’re not consuming caffeine at all.


Initially, a drink helps most people fall right  to sleep. But did you know that, even though you fall asleep quicker and sleep sounder right away, it actually reduces rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. And the more you drink before bed, the more pronounced these effects. REM sleep happens about 90 minutes after we fall asleep. REM sleep is when you dream. It is also the part of your sleep that strengthens your immune system. Deep sleep is “for your body” and REM sleep is “for your brain”.

Because alcohol messes up the natural sleep patterns in our bodies, the quality of sleep is compromised.


Dehydration causes your mouth and nasal passages to become dry, setting you up for sleep-disruptive snoring and a dry throat. A lack of water can also lead to night time leg cramps that can keep you awake.

On the flip side, drinking water too close to going to bed can keep you up at night visiting the bathroom. So be sure to get those 96oz out of the way, starting when you wake up, tapering off later on in the day so that you’re not super thirsty right before bedtime!


An investigation showed that a diet containing fresh fruits and vegetables, low saturated fat, and whole grains may be optimal for people wanting to improve sleep quality.

Woman exercising


Physical activity improves sleep quality and increases sleep duration. Exercise also reduces stress and tires you out, making sleep sweeter.


Fresh air can actually increase your immunity levels, preventing from a lot of common sicknesses, and of course if you’re well, you’re going to sleep much better. It can also reduces stress, and I don’t know about you, but stress makes my nights awful!


A positive thought pattern promotes better sleep because your mind is more accustom to peace and gratitude. When we worry and focus on the negative things in life, sleep becomes harder to achieve because the mind is too busy worrying. Practice positive thinking and gratefulness before bedtime to put your mind in a worry-free state.

If you have any thoughts or questions, I’d love to hear them! Please reach out to me anytime! I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.