How to Organize Your Day with Sticky Notes

How to Organize Your Day With Sticky Notes

How about a little sticky notes fun?

Organizing your day shouldn’t be that difficult, but it seems to be a daunting task sometimes, therefore, it doesn’t get done. But funny thing, when I don’t take the time to make those little to-do lists and organize my day, it always ends up with a touch of pacing, a little of this and a little of that. At the end of my day, I really don’t see what I did, which is, to say the least, a total let down.

So I invented (I think?) a new system now that cuts the clutter and makes it easy and simple really. It’s quite effortless and genius if I do say so myself! I have a large stack of fun sticky notes next to my bed. At the end of the day, I write 3-4 things on one sticky note and stick it on my extra large calendar.

This is going to be a relatively short blog, but I wanted to share this with you because it is one of my favorite ways of doing the do, if you know what I mean! And I actually feel super accomplished with this little system. It works with meal planning, workout planning, chores, and all of those things that have to get done.



This system has to be easy, that’s the whole point. Keeping sticky notes in an easy place, (mine are on my night stand along with a pen) keeps it easy.


Start with a master list. Or not. If it’s in your head, fine. Start jotting. If you have a large master to-do list on your phone or on paper, use that. Pick the top most important tasks and that is where you start.


Sticky notes are a great way not to overload your day. Pick 2-4 tasks and that’s it. A sticky note can’t hold much more than that and neither can one day.

organize with sticky notes


Stick them in a good location, where you won’t miss them. I have a large, old-fashioned desk calendar tacked up on my wall, and I look at it daily. That’s where I stick my notes, because I know I won’t miss them!

stickt notes


If you like to visually watch your chores disappear, use more than one sticky note and put one to-do item on one note, that way you can easily toss it once that task is complete. If you do this, just remember 3-6 tasks max. (That is, if you’re me. But I realize you aren’t, so maybe you’re like superman’s cousin and can accomplish – and fit – 12 tasks in a day and on one sticky note!) Point is – be real with yourself and the other point is . . . don’t overload!


Prep for tomorrow. Cross off the items you accomplished today, (off of your master list) and make tomorrows tasks, stick ‘em an’ leave ‘em!

Happy planning ya’ll! If you have any cool adds to this little system, by all means! I’d love to hear them! If you have any questions, please reach out to me! I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.

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