How to Balance8 Thanksgiving

We had big plans for Thanksgiving this year.

Had is the key, magic, word.

There are 21 of us in the family and we originally had big. Huge. Plans. For Thanksgiving. But things kind of just kept not getting planned beyond talk, and the summer came and went, school started, and fall started dropping leaves on my doorstep. Hello? Who said it was time for you to visit?

So . . . My boyfriend did what he does best, took control of the situation (in a very kind and thoughtful way), and canceled the entire family gathering event. Not that we don’t love each other, it just wasn’t really coming together.

Sometimes things just kinda go that way.

Now? Well, . . . My boyfriend, kids and I, are on the 3rd floor of our apartment complex. We’re friends with all of our neighbors. So between the four of us, apparently we’re all (ironically), not with extended family this year. So, we’re going to have Thanksgiving together in our breezeway!

Much more chill.

But there’s still stuff to plan, food to make, activities to come up with for the kids, etc.

And we’re not all vegan. Or vegetarian. No. Big. Deal.

I’m not a simplicity wizard, but I am in training for specialized wizardry of sorts, and I am going to show you how this Thanksgiving can get real chill and uncomplicated real quick.


Remember the why behind the 8 methods.  When you remember why you are doing balance8life, it helps keep you focused and balanced. (It’s to center yourself in mind, body and soul, in case you forgot).

All of the 8 methods that I have been teaching you are a set up for success with things like the holidays. 

Balance8life refresher:


. . . it is a set up for self control in the dessert section, and the amount of food you load onto your plate. It’s not never eating sweets, it’s keeping it to one and enjoying that one, instead of a plate full or, none.


. . . as I’ve mentioned in other articles, can taste good and be healthy, too. There are so many tasty foods that I adore, that are actually good for you that won’t put on the weight!


. . . is a must around the holidays. When you’re already in a good routine, it is habit to go to bed and wake up at the same time, so why not just stick to the routine? If your routine has to change – just make sure you’re getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep. For your sanity!


. . . should be like eating. Something you just do daily! I get up at 5:00am every day – trust me, on Thanksgiving vacation, everybody is going to be sleeping in and ready for breakfast around 11, so go to the gym or exercise at 5:30am and you still have time to make breakfast before everybody gets up. Or whatever – hit the gym mid-afternoon while everybody else is napping, take the family, do something active together as a group. Just make it happen.

Sunshine and fresh air 

. . . is a little difficult to get when you’re inside cooking and cleaning, but one of our family traditions is to take a walk together after lunch. All you need is 10 minutes, so help the fam out and make it 30 – exercise and get fresh air and vitamin D/ sunshine all at once!


. . . doesn’t have to be traditional meditation with legs crossed isn absolute silence. This can even happen in the early morning while praying or focusing on a positive proverb or saying. It is just a time of quiet peace away from the chaos and doesn’t have to be more than 5 minutes, but can be as long as you want! It really brings the chaos into perspective.


. . . is a must when you’re taking care of feeding the troops or chasing after kids and grandkids. Keep a pretty pitcher on the bar or in an easy place, and make it easy for you as well as the family, to stay hydrated. Make it pretty and add lemons and apples or limes! It can look and taste amazing!


When you’re at the point where you know you’re about to reach the place where you stress the most, or freak out the most, and become less balanced, this is when it’s show time for balance8life in motion! This is when you get to show off everything you’ve been learning . . . Or, maybe everything you’re learning get’s to show off?

Read my article Balance8life In Motion for a reminder on how to actually live these 8 methods for balanced health in mind body and soul, on a day-to-day basis.

When the above 8 things are always present in your day, you just simply feel better and your stress level naturally decreases. The fresh air, sunshine and meditation are especially for stress, so don’t leave these seemingly insignificant methods out of your day, especially during the holidays!


So to the actual holiday stuff!

I am a huge advocate of planning and writing things down. I don’t, however, do it much. But, a little “time out” with a pen and a piece of paper, planner, marker board, chalkboard, or the palm of your hand, works, too.

Write the crazy stuff down, all the way down to what color decor you want to re-do the entire house in before the family piles in. (I don’t mean that literally, but if it makes you feel better, do it). Seriously though, write down what first comes to mind, (activities, food, outfits, new candles, date and time of day, etc.). The main big stuff. Write it down. The complicated stuff. Write it down.

Then, get real. What is most important to youNot your mom or your great aunt. You. Write that down.


The root of every plant is always covered in dirt. If the root of Thanksgiving is being thankful, then the thing closest to the root is what’s around it -the dirt. Obviously, I’m not literally saying “eat dirt for thanksgiving dinner”!

I’m saying, remember that it isn’t about the decor and the food. Strip away the fluff and get down to the “dirt” (the vibe) that bonds with the roots (thankfulness). If you start there (at the root) and work your way out, only include what you can actually handle without hyperventilating about re-painting the dining room,  and make the holiday truly memorable.


No? Okay. Fine. Be that way. I’m just saying what everybody else says. No is a great word. I’m still learning how to pronounce it and define it and live with it. But I suggest you do the same. Chew on it a bit. It might taste a teensy bit bitter on the front end, but it’s smooth on the back end with a little zesty notes on the edges. It’s quite delicious, eventually.

Savor the meaning and action of the word, “no”.


Lock down your budget and don’t let it go. Put cash in your wallet/purse and leave your credit cards behind. Go shopping with a detailed shopping list, and don’t deviate from it. And, if you do, deviate by way of eliminating even more than you set out to do. Keep it simple, keep it basic, keep it all about the ‘tood, not the food. Good vibes, thankfulness and smiles with some mashed taters and a basic salad is fine and dandy.


Keep the menu simple? Maybe do three main dishes? Maybe not? But simplify the amount of food you make so that you can spend half your day cooking and the other half cleaning, instead of one day for each. Nobody is going in your closet (and if they are, they deserve the smell of dirty laundry).


And this is the end of this article. I am going to let you figure out how you want to complete (or leave incomplete) the chaos (or peace) of your holiday.

I’m all about balance, and sometimes balance means letting things go, even your feelings of guilt for not meeting the expectations of your family or even, possibly, your own self.


Last, but not leastest .  . . It’s okay to actually be okay with not doing things traditionally, or perfect. It’s okay to just let it go. (And go watch Frozen or something. . .)

If you have any cool ideas to add to the stew of great holiday balance ideas, I’m totally down to hear them! Hit me up on any of the social media platforms you enjoy the most. I’m on (almost) all of them. . .  Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest ,Linkedin, and balance8life.