Goal Setting Strategies for Success


Who’s ready to set some new healthy lifestyle goals?

Goal setting is important for successful change, but without the proper tools to reach your goals, it can be a set up for disappointment and utter failure.

I am sure at some point, you have set out to make healthy lifestyle changes before. Whether that was last year’s New Year’s resolution or a summer body fitness goal, it’s time to re-visit, reevaluate and/or make new goals!


Most people don’t have any sort of plan as to how to get to where they want to go when they set goals. They set a goal and often times just don’t hit their mark.

The problem isn’t setting a goal, it is setting the right kind of goal.

What I mean by that is, goal setting with direction and motivation to make it happen. It is so much easier to set a goal than it is to follow it through.

Only 8% of people who

set New Year's resolutions

 reach their goals.

Success isn’t in goal setting. It’s how you set your goal and what follows, that actually makes goal setting a success or not.


Be reasonable. Have strategy.

Photo by Daniel Korpai

A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources).

When New Year’s comes along, set a goal that is reasonable, meaning, something you can actually do. Not something you think you can do.

For example: don’t commit to losing 30 pounds in 30 days. This is not reasonable.

You also can’t set a goal to run a marathon in 2 months when you’ve been completely sedentary for the past 6 years.

The people who do this type of goal setting throw out reasoning. They get all into the emotion of sparkly wine and kisses and New Year’s misses (or misters) and get totally unreasonable.

Nobody likes failure and this is a set up for failure. And when this happens a few years in a row, you end up piling failure on top of failure.

The idea of setting any sort of goals and making any sort of changes ends up feeling very daunting and impossible. After awhile, most people quit.

The difficulty level of your goal has to be realistic for you to have success.

*Born around the 5th century BC, Sun-Tzu is said to be the “father of strategy’.


There has to be a method to your madness or else all you will have is madness. 

In order for goal setting to work, you need to understand that there is a goal-setting process that has to happen in order to have true success.

Knowing why goals work, and how to implement a goal-setting program is where it’s at for happy days.

Analyzing your progress as you go and keeping your plan in motion (adjusting as you go) is also part of the method.



Before you set out to make goals, you have to understand the definition of goals. What I mean by this is, there are objective and subjective goals, and one way works better than the other.

Objective goals:goal setting

These are goals that you can measure.

Example: I want to lose 2 inches in my waist in 2 months.

These types of goals are easy to set, keep up with, and reach.


Subjective goals:

These types of goals are not measurable.

Example: I want to look and feel better.

These goals are vague and are hard to achieve. These types of goals are the ones you talk about but find yourself not doing.



goal setting3 TYPES OF GOALS

Outcome Goals 

These goals have an end result that cannot be attained on your own.

These are often fun goals because you’re usually doing them with someone else, in a group or competition. Like running a 5K.

These goals are a little more difficult to control, however, because you aren’t 100% in control of the outcome.

Performance Goals  

This kind of goal is measurable and one you set for yourself with something you specifically want to accomplish on your own.

For example, if you want to add a certain number of extra reps to your workout or to run a mile further next week, you’re setting this according to your own personal performance.

Process Goals

These are small goals that support performance goals by giving you something to focus on as you work towards your performance goals.

Process goals are 100% measurable and in your control. Focus on these small things until you eventually achieve your final performance goal.



So, now, how does this work?

Let’s say you set a performance goal of losing 100 pounds. In the mean time, you have to set process goals at say, 10 pound intervals. These process goals get you to your performance goal. These goals can help you achieve an outcome goal of running a marathon in three years.

These steps work for any type of goal you may have. This is not just a process that only fits the health and fitness world.



Photo by Stefan Cosma


Your focus should always 
be on how to get to your final goal, 
not just your final goal.

Setting goals in this way is one hundred percent within your control and brings with it amazing end results.

Focus on the process.

goal settingSOME FACTS

“One of the most consistent findings in all behavioral psychology is that specific goals produce significantly better performance than easy goals, no goals, or do-your-best goals.” – Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (1990). A theory of goal setting & task performance.




goal setting
Photo by Jeshoots


When you set your goals, they need to be specific. Vague goals won’t get you anywhere. Here are a few examples of vague versus specific goals.

    • Vague: My goal is to lose weight.
    • Specific: My goal is to lose 30 pounds in the next 5 months.
    • Vague: My goal is to be a vegan.
    • Specific: My goal is to omit cheese this week and omit milk next week. By the end of the month I want to be completely dairy-free.
    • Vague: My goal is to exercise more.
    • Specific: My goal is to start power walking 3 days a week, and run 1 day a week, with 10 minute warm ups and cool downs, and I want to do this for 1 month, then set new fitness goals.

When you set your goals, set them with Ed Mylett-style ( #Maxout ) intent. Don’t set out to do-your-best. This just leaves too much room for excuses.

You will be more motivated if you have specific goals.

When you have specific goals, you can modify things as you go if you realize part way in that, say, you need more than 3 months to loose a specific amount of weight.

Instead of quitting, reassess, 
modify and carry on!

When losing weight, for example, maybe you didn’t count the plateau in your weight-loss process. Your body will reach a plateau and you will reach a point where you won’t lose weight for a little while. This is part of the process that many people don’t account for when setting specific goals.

It could also be something like setting goals to gain. It is possible that you forgot you were going on vacation for a week . If the only gym you have available only has a treadmill, your goals may take longer to reach.

If you set out to gain an inch in your biceps in a specific amount of time, but have to be away from the gym and modify your weight training, this is when reassessing your goals and being adaptable is necessary to still continue on your journey to achieving your ultimate goal.

This way, you can are still making progress, and still reaching your goal.



Setting realistic goals is a must for success. Period.

Goals that are too easy won’t challenge you enough to keep you focused on the end goal.

For me, when I set out to do a lot and achieve something difficult, I tend to stick to the plan verbatim. It keeps me on track, because I know that if I don’t stay on course, there will be no way that I can achieve what I set out to do.

When my goals are easy, I get too chill and start slacking. At this point, I know for a fact that I am not putting forth maximum effort to attain my desired goals.

On the flip side, if you set goals that are too difficult for yourself, you will quickly lose motivation, get frustrated, and probably quit.

You need to make sure that you’re setting goals at a pace that best suits you.


The best thing to do is to be real with yourself. Set out and begin with focusing on your process goals. 

Once you get into the process of reaching your goal and focusing on the how, the how can, and often times will, change. And this is okay.

Make sure that you reassess yourself, your goals, and keep a close eye on what you are capable of. Be real. Don’t allow yourself to use excuses.

Check yourself. Watch your ego, don’t hurt yourself. Watch your schedule, don’t overload yourself. And watch your achievement level. If you’re moving faster than you had set out to move, move your “bar” higher.


Goal setting


Any goal you set needs to be also have a timeframe that you want it accomplished by.

I love making vision boards, and vision boards are great in this instance. Vision boards can keep you focused on a specific timeframe. Without this, you can drag your goals on and talk the talk and not walk the walk, always saying you’re, “working on it”.

Don’t do this. It will take away your motivation.

Set a time limit and get ‘er done.

Long-term goals give you direction and set the stage for what you are trying to accomplish.

Just remember that having your eye on your long-term goal doesn’t always improve the journey.  Your destination may seem too far away and daunting, and you may quit.

Make sure you keep your process goals 
in your immediate sights.

Short-term goals help you stay focused on the small successes you’ve made. They also give you constant motivation to stay on course to your long-term goal.

This is how you take baby steps to your long-term goal. Doing this makes your ultimate goal possible.

This is also a way to allow for minor adjustments along the way so that you can stay motivated to keep moving forward.



Photo by Victor Freitas


Sorry to break it to you, but goals don’t work by themselves.Goals require commitment. Without commitment, you are most likely not going to put forth the effort and persistence it takes to achieve your goals.

Having a friend or accountability partner helps with this. When your friend is aware of your goals and what you’re doing, this helps with the motivation and stick-to-it-iv-niss.

If you don’t have someone to be accountable to, clone yourself and be accountable to you. JK – but seriously, find a way to keep yourself accountable. It will make the process a huge success!

A positive-minded accountability partner is where it’s at, but make sure they’re also someone who isn’t afraid to tell it to you straight. We all need positive vibes and reinforcement in order to stay motivated. This helps us stay determined as well.

You got this!


Goal setting
Photo by Soulsana


As you go on this goal-setting journey, make sure your goals continue to be practical and suitable as you go.

Have a planner or a reminder set in your phone, or some sort of monthly check in (with yourself). This is when you need to measure, reassess, weigh, check in with your accountability friend/partner, check your vision board, or whatever it is that you’ve decided is appropriate for motivation and for your progress report.


Check in with yourself monthly. 
Review and reevaluate.

There may be some areas where you are meeting your process goals and even acceding them. It could also be that you’re falling short on something else. Tighten up on the parts that are falling short and set the bar higher for the parts that you’re accelerating in.




You may prefer slightly difficult goals. You may prefer very difficult goals. Be you and set your goals accordingly. Don’t compare yourself to the person next door.

Photo by Bruce Mars

If you’re a gal or guy that is highly self-motivation, you probably will do fantabulous with extremely difficult goals.

But, if you’re not a highly self-motivated person and tend to have low levels of self-motivation, super difficult goals will decrease your performance and discourage you, so don’t sabotage yourself by comparing yourself to your neighbor.

You do you. Always. 
This is how you will be most successful.


Photo by Kelly Sikkema


Or wherever.

Writing things down and posting things where you see it often makes it hard to ignore.

Bathroom mirror anyone?

More about how to organize with sticky notes here


Photo by Jamie Street


You have to recognize when you need to make a change. This is done by self monitoring yourself during your goal setting process.

Reward yourself when you reach specific goals.

Have fun. You’ve got this!


How to Overcome Late Night Cravings

This post  may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclaimer for more info.

How to overcome late night cravings, the topic of the day. For days.

But, ohhh the cravings though! The need for a yummy snack at ten PM and then . . . the disappointment the next morning when you step on the scale.

And the vow that last night was the last night.



How to overcome late night cravings
Photo by Edward Franklin

Why on earth do you keep going around and around, and around . . . ?

Because, emotional eating and stress eating are all about weakness, not logic or strength.

So let’s figure out how to build the foundation to a strong fortress of saying no.




Once you understand that late night cravings really are just emotions nagging at you, not true hunger, recognizing this is step one.

Emotional eating is using food to make yourself feel better. You are eating to placate emotional needs rather than to satisfy actual real hunger.

Photo by Ash Goldsbrough

Emotional hunger can’t be filled with food. It feels good to eat in the moment, but the feelings that triggered your need to feed your face are still there. The worst part is, you make yourself feel even worse later, because you now feel guilty. It’s a vicious, vicious cycle that only you can stop.

There is a difference in using food occasionally as a reward, or to celebrate. That isn’t bad.  When my kids get good grades, sometimes I take them out for vegan ice cream or a rare treat as a reward.

When eating becomes an emotional coping mechanism this is when it is a problem.

Once you recognize that you are eating simply to cope with stress, you can then take step two.

I recommend talking with your doctor and finding a good counselor to help sort out your emotions, if you are unable to do it alone.

How to overcome late night cravings
Photo by Sage Friedman


Journaling is somewhat of an old fashioned hobby I suppose. I used to keep a diary when I was younger. Now, with voice text and even with typing, slowing down with a pen and paper gets a little annoying. Buuuutttt . . .

When you slow down, it forces you to process what you are thinking, and in the process of slowing down, you can really start to assess your feelings and figure out the why behind what you are doing.

It also takes up time you would otherwise be eating.

Face your emotions, sort them out, decide what you want to do with them, and confront them.

Once you have done this, you can go about doing other things to fill the void.

A nutrition coach can also help. A nutrition coach is someone that can hold you accountable, as well as help you start new, healthy habits.

Photo by Mae Mu


There are also cravings that can be linked to bad food choices, food sensitivities and lifestyle habits.

“Some foods promote indefinite cravings. Unfulfilled longings or unrest cause cravings.” Agatha M. Thrash, M.D. Preventive Medicine

Doctor Agatha M. Thrash also goes on to say that, “Many individuals who are sensitive to various foods taken even in small quantities get their cravings aroused.

“Sugar is a very common offender in this regard. One innocent appearing teaspoonful can do much damage in the sensitive person.

“Milk and all dairy products represent a common source of cravings.

“Salty foods irritate the stomach lining and produce thirst. Much of the mechanism of cravings is related to unrecognized thirst, causing the individual to try to satisfy his thirst by indulging his craving. If the thirst is eliminated, the craving can be handled with much greater ease.”

Full article here


Photo by Carolyn

Now, I realize this sounds a bit trite and boring.

At night when I want something to snack on, and when I am trying to break a habit of grabbing something to nibble on during a show or while doing something before bed, I make tea.

When you fill the void with something it makes it easier to overcome the craving.

The options for flavors are endless when it comes to tea. Which makes it so fun!

Just be sure your tea is white or red, not black or green. Black and green tea have caffeine in them and aren’t good for late nights.

Rooibos is a South African red tea, and it is full of antioxidants and naturally a bit sweet.

Chamomile tea is also a bit sweet and floral, and a great calming, night time tea.

Sleepytime tea is another great evening tea!

Explore herbal, white and red teas and share with me in the comments below. Tell me what your fave herbal tea is!

When you’re making tea at night, leave out the sugar and milk. Learn to appreciate the pure flavor of the herb. Your waist will thank you later and your guilt will be set free.

For other options, read my article “Five Ways to Yummy-Up Your Water”.

How to overcome late night cravings
Photo by Jez Timms


Nope. Snacking during reading can’t be a thing anymore . . . but make you some tea and find a book that draws you in sooo deeply that you can’t even think about food.

Escape from your stress, drown your emotions in far, far away, and allow yourself to fall asleep dreaming in another world.

I would recommend a list of books here, but I write more than read, so I am going to let you list a few for me below in the comments! 🙂

If you prefer to write, like I do, it keeps your hands too busy to eat, and it works as well as reading for those who love to write.

Photo by Dan Gold


I doubt there is a person in the world who does not have a tub that could use a scrub, a carpet that couldn’t use a vacuum or some laundry that needs to be folded or ironed.

Evenings are great times to get some small house chores done and curb the appetite at the same time.

Plus, you’re getting yourself off the couch, burning a few calories, and let’s face it, you can get your heart rate up if you’re vacuuming stairs, and also, who doesn’t love a clean house when you go to fix a bowl of granola at breakfast time? Clean dishes anyone?

Photo by Debby Hudson


If you’re truly in it for the long haul, ready to lose weight, gain self control, eat healthy and feel amazing. . .

Begin with breakfast.

With the right foods, you will notice less cravings. 

Typical breakfast foods aren’t actually good for you. (Bacon, grits, white biscuits, donuts, pastries, etc.)

Photo Kawin Harasai

Breakfast needs to be filled with unrefined foods and should equal to a third to a half of your food and take for the entire day.

This results in a sense of well being, which will help with emotional eating!


A good breakfast filled with unrefined, low to no added sugar, and complex carbs, also equals better work performance. This “feeds” your emotions positively by fulfilling the need to feel accomplished.

When I say no added sugar I mean it literally. For example, grapefruit, don’t add sugar to it! Cereal, don’t add honey, sugar or any other sweetener. Add banana or fruit if you want more sweetener. Dried fruit is another way to add sweetness without adding extra sugar.

When your morning starts with a fantastic breakfast, you have less desire to over eat later on in the day and less need to eat between your meals. Which of course leads to better weight control, which results in less emotional eating as well.

weight management


It’s evening or night time. Go to bed.

As I have mentioned before when talking about weight management and losing weight/belly fat, eating at night adds fuel to your “car” just as you’re about to “park it in the garage.”

These are bad habits that put weight on fast.

I’ve used this scenario before, and I’ll use it again. When you’re about to go on vacation, you pull the car out of the garage and before you leave, what do you do?

You take it to the gas station and fill it up! ALL the way to the top.

Why? Because you don’t want to have to stop any time soon! It is a waste of time. You don’t drive it to the gas station, put $5.00 of gas in, then carry on down the road and do this your entire trip.

Imagine doing this, then arrive at your destination, purely exhausted. Then filing up and parking your car at the hotel.

What kind of logic is this!?

This is what most people do to their bodies. They start off in a hurry, grab a cup of coffee and maybe a pastry or a granola bar and go to work. An hour later, you’re starving but it’s not lunch time. So what do you do? You eat a snack.

This happens all day long until dinner. Then you consume the majority of your calories (or over half of what you should have your entire day) right before bed.

On top of consuming a too big dinner, an hour or two later, late night cravings set in.

This is a very bad habit that adds so much weight to your waist for no good reason.

No matter how much you want to just sit and snack, if it is too tempting, and you know that you’re tired, just go to bed. A good night of sleep on an empty stomach is the best night of sleep you’ll ever have. 



Photo by Monika Grabkowska

A healthy lifestyle is all about balance.

Balance8life in motion is simply that.

Balance8life is actively engaging 8 expressions of health to our daily routines for true completion.  It will always be in motion, and you will never stay in one place for too long, or the balance will slip away. So don’t get discouraged when you can’t maintain for one day. It is the overall daily routine that makes the balancing act go ’round!

The trick is to learn how to set goals that last. There are steps to setting goals that last, that make all the difference in the world when you are beginning your health journey!

For more on where to start begin your health journey, visit my blog

And that’s it friends! I love it when the balance8 community shares and invites! Join me on my social media platforms, share my articles and tag me! I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.






Regularity is Overrated

This post  may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclaimer for more info.


Regularity is seriously overrated . . .


Regular gas, regular food, regular life, and regular thoughts are just that. They are regular! Have you ever thought about the fact that maybe a little premium upgrade would do you some good?regularity

When we say the word food, as is happening right now, I am sure you are thinking of things like apples, pie, pizza and peppers. Errr . . . You could be thinking about ice cream and coffee. Because, let’s face it, there are people that basically live on ice cream and coffee.

. . . I think.

Today I was reading about luxury cars and fuel. I read that, “Using regular gas in an engine that requires premium could void your warranty.”

Now I know I’m talking about food and our bodies here, so what does a car with premium gas have to do with it?

Well, I was thinking about how we care for our bodies. Some people are willing to pay the price for premium fuel for longevity of life, top notch health, a great physique and just an all around healthy lifestyle. Yet, there are others that prefer regular (even poor) fuel because it’s easier and less expensive, but they suffer greatly.

Sadly these folks don’t realize they are suffering because of the poor quality fuel they have been regularly pumping into the their premium tank. (Or tummies, whichever you want to call it.)


These last several months with everything going on, our mental fuel has been less than mediocre.  I’d classify it as ice cream and coffee, or fries and candy bars, type of poor.

These things have been tedious on my mind and emotions, basically, ripping apart my soul and leaving it out to bleed. Okay, that was dramatic. But I don’t think that’s too far from the case for America right now. Her heart is bleeding, and it is taking bits out of our mental and emotional wellbeing.

How often do you think about the quality of fuel you fill your car with? Or do you prefer to save money with regular fuel? And how often do you think about paying for organic, fresh food? Or do you prefer to save time and grab something to go? And how often do you think about paying a little extra attention to reading a book of depth to fuel your mind? Or do you opt for laying back and swiping through social media, or watching TV?


Our health is not just the food we do (or do not) eat. It is a balance of internal, external and unseen fuels that our entire being needs, to purr like a Bugatti! Nobody is going to put any sort of cheap fuel in a Bugatti! They’d be out of their dang mind!

(No, this is not a Bugatti, I just liked this picture cause it’s cool, okay). :p


Most of us aren’t taught to change our own oil, tire, replace hoses, spark plugs, etc. Many of us are equally unlucky in the self care department. We aren’t taught how to properly take care of our bodies and minds. And, since we don’t know, we don’t teach our children. And the cycle goes around and around.

Good news is, we can break the cycle now!

Let’s get something straight. Regular is good for a regular mind in a regular person with regular emotions and regular work schedules, which lends to regular lunch breaks with regular food. And being regular is – okay. But do you really want to be . . . regular?


Let’s take things to the next level. As we upgrade our bodies by improving our exercise regime and feed our bodies with premium (healthy) fuel (food) let’s take into account our minds.

It is so important to seriously look at what it is we are feeding our minds and regularity

Firstly, let’s look at info, because information is sort of a big deal.

  • Information . . .

How do we get it, where do we get it, when do we get it and what are we getting?

Social media and TV plays a huge part in the quality of mind’s health or likewise, the depth of its illness. It is the seed to which thoughts begin to form which then can generate all sorts of good and bad strong emotions.

There was a saying I read recently that I absolutely loved.


Last week, I talked about meditation, and how it can give us clarity in a time of unsettling world vibes. So right now, while we’re bombarded with all sorts of strong emotions through social media, TV, friends and family and coworkers, it is important to take a step away for clarity.

It is equally important to pay close attention to what you are taking in, processing and allowing to become part of you as a person.


Our minds are just as important as our bodies. In fact, it is scientifically proven that our bodies are directly effected by our minds/thoughts.

In the past, modern medicine largely continued to treat the mind and body as two separate entities. But in the past 30 years, research into the link between health and emotions has made significant changes, observing that our minds and our personal health are in fact very interrelated.

“According to the mind–body or biopsychosocial paradigm, which supercedes the older biomedical model, there is no real division between mind and body because of networks of communication that exist between the brain and neurological, endocrine and immune systems,” said Oakley Ray, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Psychiatry and Pharmacology at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN, USA). More on mind-body research can be found here.


I vibe off of positivity.

Don’t allow yourself to sit under a cloud for too long.

The longest I have sat under a dark cloud recently was when the coronavirus hit. Stunned, I was, as Yoda would say. I lost my job. The gym closed. The kids had to do school at home. We weren’t allowed out of our house. Some places still won’t let us in without wearing a dreaded mask. What on earth? That took me a minute to shake, I won’t lie. regularity

When my mental state gets off balance, my body follows, and I physically, mentally, and emotionally just suck at life. (Errr, that’s what my mind likes to tell my self and then I just start to ride a little rabbit down a long dark hole).

So now I am going to give you some awesome positive vibes, okay?


Ed Mylett.

I follow this guy all over my social media. I receive his e-mails, listen to his podcasts, get his texts, and read his book. This man is a powerhouse of personal motivation. His motto is #Maxout. And I am not kidding, he knows how to push you to literally max out your life! I appreciate him because he is humble, he is real, he is not showy at all, and somehow when I listen to his podcasts in the morning, I feel as though something in me just loaded my rocket into outer “I-can-do-this” space.


Jen Sincero.

Read her books!

As she puts it, “If my broke @$$ can get rich, you can too.” And I am telling you what, her books are easy to read and so hysterically great. And it’s not all Regularity about getting rich monetarily, only. She talks about being rich as a human, in health, body, dreams, etc.

If you can’t handle a little language, don’t bother buying her books. But I will say that the few “bad words” she uses definitely won’t compare to the immense amount of self-love and motivational gems she has to offer an open mind.



Nimai Delgado.

I have mentioned this man as someone to go to in  Five Ways to Stay Fit at Home for motivation when working out at home. But his positive and motivational vibes run thick throughout his instagram feed.




Zig Ziglar.

I have linked his instagram here because that’s what I appreciate. It fills my feed
with motivational quotes daily. But you can also go to ziglar.com if you are not on instagram.





Dope Lemon.

Everybody has their own taste of music.

I love Dope Lemon. Their music Regularity always just puts me in a great mood. But, music is really powerful.

If you're in a 
down place in 
life, don't 
listen to 
depressing music.

Try to find happy, powerfully uplifting music that puts some pep in your step and go clean house with it cranked.


Be a kid and get out the coloring book.


There’s nothing like coloring for some methodical quiet time. Listen to an Ed Mylett podcast, or an audio book, make some lavender chamomile tea and get in the zone.

Or not. I like to though.


Fill in the blanks.regularity

What is it that makes you happy and puts your mind in a good place? Is it art? Is it nature? Hiking? Camping? The beach? A day trip? A cup of tea? Talking to a friend? Walking the cat? Petting the dog? I mean, I’ve seen cats on leashes . . .



Grateful journaling. Regularity

What are you grateful for? 
Right now, 
in this 
present moment?

“The simple habit of reflecting on what you’re grateful for can actually lead to a happier, more content life. All it takes is a few moments of your time and a gratitude journal to record your thoughts. Gratitude journals are not unlike the diary you kept as a teenager, but instead of writing random thoughts about your day, you write about the things you’re grateful for—big or small.” ~ A bit of Shutterfly knowledge



Fatigue, the inability to focus, and the energy to sustain an entire day of good vibes can be harder for some more than others.

Don’t worry, I have the perfect things for that.

NAD – doubles sirtuin (a type of protein involved in regulating cellular processes including the aging and death of cells and their resistance to stress) activity in 24 hours. This particular little supplement increases focus, energy, mental clarity and also puts you in a good mood! Try it here!

AXIO – Is just flat out tasty, and I can’t seem to keep it in the house. My boyfriend and my kids are basically addicted. Axio takes a different approach to energy, especially formulated to give energy to your mind, not just your body. It is designed to deliver mental clarity, focus and concentration without jitters. There are decaf options that work great for kiddos! More here! 🙂


Take some time away from the craze of the world and chill.

How do you fix your vibes?

Please feel free to comment below, contact me on social media and follow me here! I love hearing from my readers. 🙂 I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.



What is a Vegan?

What is a Vegan?

The vegan diet is one of the best diets out there, but what is a vegan, and how would one do a vegan diet? Some of you don’t even know what being a vegan means, so I am going to briefly tell you what it means, what you can eat, then I’m going to show you what to look for when shopping for groceries, and how to manage going out to eat!

What does it mean to be a vegan?


Veganism is a way of living that excludes all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty, from food, clothing or for any other purpose.

In the diet alone, vegans refrain from dairy, eggs, or any other animal product, in addition to meat.

Vegan’s choose to live this lifestyle either for ethical, environmental or health reasons, or possibly for all reasons combined.


  • Fruit
  • vegetables
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • whole grains
  • legumes
  • herbs

These foods used in recipes can give you everything you need for fun, nutritious, delicious meals!

When you cook at home, which is the best thing to do if you’re truly wanting to be a vegan that doesn’t starve, you can use the above items to make pizza, casserole, burgers, meat substitutes, bread, salads, muffins, cakes, cookies, pies, cheese, sauces, mayonnaise, etc.

Being a vegan doesn’t mean you are giving up your life of yummy food experiences. It just means you are putting something better in the place of something unhealthy. The something better will have less unhealthy fat, zero cholesterol, a ton more vitamins and minerals, just the right amount of protein, fiber, calcium and deliciousness to satisfy your cravings.


Always read labels to everything when grocery shopping!

I just want to say real quick, that I choose veganism primarily for health reasons. This is why I personally don’t include honey in my “don’t eat” list, but a lot of vegans won’t eat honey, either! I use honey a lot, in place of traditional sugar, though sugar itself is vegan.

It isn’t always easy to be a strict vegan, but it is possible, and it gets easier over time. It becomes second nature.  If you’re not used to paying attention to labels, you’d be surprised by how many “natural foods” actually have animal products in them.

Most grocery stores have healthy alternatives, but look online for health food stores near you. Whole Foods, small health food shops, and Amazon all have great alternatives if you’re looking for meat, cheese and milk substitutes.


The following items often have dairy and animal products in them when you wouldn’t expect them to!

  • Bread (milk and or eggs)
  • Beans and rice at Mexican restaurants (cooked in animal fat and chicken broth)
  • Natural, herbal supplements (often encased on capsule made of gelatin which is ground up animal bone)
  • Peanut butter (has mono and diglycerides in it, which is an emulsifier that helps blend oil and water, generally made from animal fat, but also can be made from vegetable fat as well. I prefer to buy natural peanut butter because it is simply peanuts and salt.
  • Crackers (mono and diglycerides)
  • Soups (creamy has milk, vegetable has chicken, or animal fat)
  • Boxed cereals (milk)
  • Pre-packaged oatmeal (milk)
  • Trail mix (yogurt covered raisins or m&m’s)
  • Spices (ground beef, etc.)
  • Ramen noodles and other pre-packaged soups (ground meat)
  • Vegetarian meat substitutes (egg whites)
  • Canned vegetables (meat chunks or broth)
  • Desserts (eggs, milk)
  • Drinks (milk)

And there are a lot more. If you notice, the common pattern here is “pre-made” not “homemade”.

Making your food at home is the key ingredient to ensuring that your food is 100% vegan!


The number one most important habit to get into, regardless of dietary preference, is reading labels! If you don’t understand what a word is, either leave the product on the shelf, or Google it to be safe.


Depending on where you live, going out to eat can range from being super easy to being impossible!

When I visited California and the UK, vegan options were abundant while places in Texas and Louisiana are lost in time and don’t seem to understand the word vegan. Sadly, even a salad can be difficult to come by in these areas, and the best thing to do is do your research way before you go out to eat.

Ask your server. I used to be a server, and we don’t get offended or upset when you alter and modify your order. Ask as soon as you sit down, what options there are for vegetarian or vegan foods. Some servers know exactly what you mean and are very accommodating, others may not know and can find someone else to help.

As a vegan going out to eat, you have to get in the habit of modifying your food!

If your server doesn’t know much about the menu or what vegan means, my first go to is burgers. A lot of places now carry veggie burgers. Second is pasta dishes. Most of the time meat can be taken off of any salad or pasta dish. Next is pizza. Pizza is an easy fix if it’s not pre-made. Ask for marinara sauce. . . extra! And lots of veggies, with no cheese. Lastly are sides and salads because they’re not as filling, so I try to find something a little more filling than salad and a side.

Also, add-ons are great for vegans who have to take meat off. Sometimes it costs extra, but a salad with extra tomatoes or cucumbers, mushrooms and avocado really makes all the difference, and typically doesn’t cost extra if it already comes with it.

I am not allergic to dairy, I have made the decision to be a vegan for health reasons. So, if I am out to eat (which is rare – I make my food from scratch every day!) at times I will bend the rules and just make sure to ask that no cheese be added to my food, and of course I leave off the meat. Always. This way, it’s “mostly vegan” and I don’t have to nit-pick the heck out of my food. I feel at this point, it’s an okay compromise. But again, I rarely go out to eat. If I went out regularly, I’d suggest finding true vegan restaurants and making it a regular in rotation during the week.

Fast food: Know your fast food options. There are four main fast food restaurants I pick from: Subway, Taco Bell, Burger King and Moes. All of these have vegetarian options and leaving the cheese, sour cream and other dairy items off, is an easy fix.


The best option for saving money and following a true, healthy, vegan, lifestyle, is learning how to cook at home, from scratch.

I make my own granola, muffins and pancakes for breakfast, I make beans and rice, burritos, casserole, burgers, pizza, lasagna, etc. for lunches, and I also make crackers, soups, salads and parfaits, etc. for light dinners.

I was married to a meat and potatoes guy who hated vegan food, so I had to rise to the challenge of imitating the taste of regular foods in my vegan cooking.

The trick to vegan cooking is to utilize herbs, spices, natural oils and nuts for flavor!

Food has to taste good! The biggest mistake most people make when they go vegan is, they cook super bland. Also, they tend to leave out the legumes, nuts and seeds, which makes it like leaving the meat out of the meal. These foods are what gives your meals density and filler! Without them, you’ll be starving all the time.

Balance out your food groups, find good cookbooks, start pinning vegan recipes on Pinterest, gather your grub and make it happen! I have managed to fool many meat and potato eaters with the right use of ingredients. They didn’t even know they were eating vegan food!

I know you will probably have more questions about why a vegan diet is better than all the rest. That’ll be for another blog, and I’ll get there, I promise! In the mean time, check out my FREE list of 8 healthy snacks (below)! They’re vegan!

Please enjoy my blog by sharing it with your friends and family! You (and they) can explore balance8life anywhere! I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.


Balance Happens When We Let Go


Balance Happens When We Let Go


Have you ever tried to balance on one foot while holding onto a chair? Are you truly balancing? Balance doesn’t happen until we let go. I didn’t say balancing means you will never fall or that it is perfect the first time. But balance can’t be learned while holding onto a chair and never letting go.

Every day, we are subconsciously, and consciously, fed with things that are either overly perfect, or dramatically devastating. When comparing real every day life to either of these, real life becomes very weighty, and starts feeling out of control. It’s difficult to maintain balance in our minds! 

The things we have to do, the lists we have to check off, and the deadlines we have to make, are physically easy to see, to touch, and to organize. But what about our inner peace, our minds?

Blogging about health and fitness keeps my mind focused on my own health and fitness. It makes my weakness super, glaringly clear, and in my face, all the time.

I know how to juggle mom life, follow a routine, change it up when I get board, workout at home, eat healthy, and drink plenty of water. I know how to make sure I am getting the right amount of sunlight for my vitamin-D and fresh air to calm my soul. I know how to meditate and “clear my mind of the clutter”, but. . .

. . . knowing, and doing are two different things!

It also reminds me that, no matter what I say, or what I do, real life is real life. It is easy to skip things when nobody is watching. But it’s also not that hard for me to do the do. What is hard for me though, is chillin’. (My boyfriend told me this yesterday).

I’ve had a rough past 5-6 weeks. I’ll just be honest. Even doing the do has been more difficult than usual for me . . .  the mind clutter has been hefty! 

The lack of balance between work and play.

That’s my problem.

Yesterday my boyfriend freed me of my chores and motherly duties and told me to go do something for me.

I decided to go hiking, but I was really upset when I walked out in nature and couldn’t quiet my mind. I needed to meditate, clear my mind, and let go of the tension, but it just would not happen. I ended up driving home early, frustrated and disappointed.

When I walked in the door, the house smelled glorious. Dinner had been made, the floor had been vacuumed and the dishes had been done. There wasn’t anything that I had to do. Suddenly, all the tension left, and clarity came. I thought how strange it was that it happened at home, once I returned. Not in the woods, not on my drive, not while I was alone.

Balance happens when we let go.

I expected and tried to create balance at a certain time, in a certain place, and in a specific way. When it didn’t happen, I thought, well this isn’t working. The fact that I was upset that it didn’t work made it even more frustrating. But when I got home and quit trying, it happened.

Now I’m not saying to quit trying. I’m saying, let go. Let go of the crutch that keeps you from gaining that strength, that inner peace, that center focus. We have to let go of what we lean on, of what we are holding onto that is keeping us back, before we can grow stronger in the next phase of our life, of our strength…



Please enjoy my blog by sharing it with your friends and family! You (and they) can explore balance8life anywhere! I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.

Get Fit Together Or Not

Get Fit Together Or Not


Did you decide that it’s time to get fit together? Or not . . .

Are you looking at your dude suddenly inspired to help him trim and slim back to the day he said “I do”?

Did you hear those wheels screeching and the rewind button just squeal in response and maybe even a roaring, “Oh no you didn’t!”

Thought so.

But if you’re like me and you are on a healthy kick and you suddenly want your man to join, it’s so difficult not to try, right?

What inspires you the most? Is it someone telling you that your attitude needs to change? Or is it someone that is always in a good mood and has a great attitude. Every. Day?

Positive thinking, positive living, and positive actions are a huge inspiration to those around us. It also starts a momentum for our own selves when we stay connected to our own positive energy. Our own need for change and need for improvement should inspire us to grow and in turn will inspire those around us.

Change takes time, especially the change of our health. It’s not easy for me to make a healthy decision when the one I love isn’t going after it with me. If I’m not focused on my personal need to change, sometimes I get upset and wrapped up in my partner’s lack of interest in changing in the same way and at the same time, as me.

Why do I want my partner to change? Of course we all want what is best for those we love. But going a little deeper, often times we want them to make the change with us to make it easier for us. It’s selfish at that point because we want him to carry us through the change to make it easier for us.

When someone else that we have to be with day in and day out isn’t onboard with what we think is better we tend to let that other person be our excuse for not changing. It makes it easier.

Well, his muffins are always in the pantry, (even though I eat most of them) so I can’t not eat them! It’s his fault!

If you want to change your man, you have to stop. Turn your focus back on your own journey to change, and let him come around in his own time.

 (For help with how to do this change stuff, check out my article Six Steps to Setting Goals that Last) Prove to him that you are strong and capable at accomplishing difficult things on your very own.

Improving yourself also makes you more attractive physically, but I’m also talking about internally, too. The true happiness within you, the excitement of self-achievement, shines powerfully to those around us. Men appreciate a woman that can be her own person.

Respect him and praise him. 

Men feel manly and powerful when their woman truly respects them. It gives them leverage and drive to prove they’re the man. If time passes and you’ve expressed that you wish he were in the boat rowing along with you, but he also recognizes your respect in not pushing it, he might just see how much fun you’re having in that boat and jump in to lead simply because he wants to prove to you that he can, just like you! If he’s competitive he might want to out row you, but that’s okay. Let him.

Appreciate him.

Truly. As he is. Shrek-like and all. Period.

Leave windows open and doors cracked. 

I don’t mean actual doors and windows. I mean, entice him. Invite him with your actions, not your words.

Leave a tail of crumbs behind you.

Figuratively, again. Leave good food out. Keep bottled water in the fridge. Bake healthy meals. Leave your gym shoes at the door. Leave reminders all over the place; reminders of your new change, and leave happiness out there for grabs, too. The enjoyment within you and your own accomplishments and your change, will give him little “crumbs” to taste for himself. If he likes it, don’t be surprised if he comes back for more than just a crumb.

Wow him with your changes by not quitting when the going gets tough.

Choose your talk time and words wisely.

When you do talk to him about your wishes, remind yourself why. Is it truly for his best interest and health, or is it just because you don’t want to do it alone? Leave judgment at the door, in the trashcan with the banana peels. Kindness goes a long, long way.

If he’s all about it and in it with you 110% of the way, encourage and be supportive. And have fun!

Men are born to care for, lead, protect and provide shelter and safety for us women. When we allow space for them to take that role as they were meant to, and when they are ready to, we empower them.

So, next time you get on a healthy kick and decide that all drinks need to hit the highroad and there will only be water in the house and in the car and at the office and…


There’s always a time and place for change. Sometimes our time is a different time than Shrek’s.

So be patient.


If you have comments or questions on this topic, or anything else, reach out! I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life, so wherever you like to hang, you can reach me!