How to Reduce Belly Fat Naturally
How to reduce belly fat (naturally) is something that can be so frustrating and equally quite challenging! It is one of the most difficult things to do, no matter who you are.
People can lose weight, exercise, eat right, and can still just not be 100% satisfied with their tummy.
Today, I am going to give you a few tips on how to reduce your belly fat naturally.
The number 1 thing I focus on when trying to reduce belly fat, is not eating before bed (this includes mid-day nap as well!) When I know I want to fit in a “skinny dress” a week ahead of time, I will not eat a third meal. Eating no later than 4pm is ideal for losing belly fat.

Maximize your fresh fruits and vegetables and lower the amount of fats and sugars consumed. Things that are heavy/dense and high in protein and fat, sit in the stomach longer and need a lot of digest time. Eat those earlier in the day and eat salads, soups, smoothies and low calorie foods late afternoon/early evening when you’re eating your last meal.

Snacking adds belly fat.
I have known people that snack regularly, that have asked for help with losing that extra belly fat, but don’t think snacking is the problem. When I tell them to cut out snacking, I often hear, “but it’s just apples and carrots.”
No. Snacking. No matter what it is you are eating, if you want to reduce belly fat, no snacking ever.
“Only 100 extra calories daily are capable of adding 10 pounds per year to one’s weight”, Dr. Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.
To understand better why it is that snacking and drinking other drinks between meals is not a good idea, read: Snacks and Eating Between Meals, an article written by Dr. Agatha M. Thrash.
One other thing to keep in mind as far as snacking goes, don’t eat while cooking. It can really reduce your appetite. Once you sit down to eat, you won’t eat as much, but you’ll be hungry before it’s time to eat again, and will be more likely to snack and eat between meals.
. . . but not with your meals.
“Many make the mistake of drinking cold water with their meals. Taken with meals, water diminishes the flow of the salivary glands; and the colder the water, the greater the injury to the stomach. . .The more liquid that is taken into the stomach with the meals, the more difficult it is for the food to digest; for the liquid must be absorbed. . . the enzymes necessary for digestion can function optimally only at body temperature. If the temperature gets either too hot or too cold, the enzymes can’t function well and thus digestion is slowed.” Dr. Agatha M. Thrash, M.D.
You should get 8-12 cups of water a day, and anything other than water between the meals is going to add belly fat. Getting 96oz of water in a day can be very difficult sometime, but I gotchu! Check out, How to Drink 96oz of Water in a Day, here!
If drinking water really isn’t your thing because of the lack of flavor, check out, 5 Ways to Yummy-Up Your Water.
Dairy is one of the most popular culprits for causing water retention.
As we get older we lose the enzyme required to break down and process milk sugars, and as a result, this can cause bloating.
When Dr. Agatha M. Thrash M.D. talks about weight control, she says: “Eat no form of animal products.” Period.
Cheese is the one thing that can really cause belly fat. It is a high fat food that doesn’t digest well at all. If you want to have a particularly “skinny” day, stay away from cheese for at least 3 days prior to “skinny day plans”.
Food is fuel. Just like gasoline isn’t needed when the car already has gas in it, our bodies don’t need food when we’ve recently eaten. Even when your car is on “empty” you can still drive 30-50 miles. Our bodies are the same. Fuel (food) is for energy and nutrients.
Enjoying your food is great, but it is not a need. The true “need” is simply the nutrients.
Before you eat (or drink) anything, ask yourself: Do I need this? Or do I just want this?
Nobody just loves cardio. (Well, that’s a blanket statement, I am sure some people do). I don’t. But if you’re wanting to trim and slim the mid section, I suggest you start to learn how to fall in love with cardio, or at least tolerate it, because nothing is going to trim down the extra like a consistent regime of aerobic activity!
The key to getting cardio to work is, do it for more than 30 minutes, and do it no less than 4 days a week.
Low impact cardio is best for beginners, people who have had injuries, are overweight, have back or knee trouble, and for those who are over 50-60 and have not been physically active for some time.
Suggestions for low impact cardio are: swimming, riding a bike, and power walking.
For more on How to Get a Flatter Stomach, I highly suggest this easy to read article which offers more foods to stay away from, exercises to perform and other great things that help tighten and flatten that tummy!
If you have any thoughts or questions, I’d love to hear them! Please reach out to me anytime! I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.
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