Welcome to Balance8life! This is an introduction to the overall idea of meditation and why it is so important.
Meditation simplified is taking a quiet moment to clear your busy mind.
When I lived in Washington State, our house was at the base of a hill. Behind that hill was a privately owned farm with acres of valleys, hills, and streams. There were wide open fields that went on forever!
The driveway to the farmhouse was a long, gravel road. It forked off in three different directions and we were allowed to wander all over.
So I did.
I often packed myself a sandwich and a blanket. I would walk out into the middle of a field and hide in the tall grass. Lying there and looking up into the sky is a forever lost moment that I often miss.
There was a spot that I liked the most, next to a clear, fast running creek.

It was so peaceful. I didn’t know the meaning of the word meditation at that time.
All I knew was that I felt calm and peaceful when I had time alone in nature. This is meditation simplified. This time away from everything else that had to be done was all it took to feel renewed.
When I first heard the word meditation I pictured Buddha and yoga poses.
Reflection time doesn’t have to be this image. Meditation simplified is simply that, it is not complicated.
Meditation is being mindful, thoughtful, aware, reflective, and if you’re religious, being prayerful.
And, meditation simplified is taking time out of the business and being still. A time to be alone without distraction. And a time to consciously making an effort to clear your mind of all those things you feel like you need to be doing.
Focus on the simplicity of just being.
You need meditation to have balance in your life.
What you meditate on, where or when you do it, and how . . . that is up to you.
Meditation simplified is a time to take a break from life. Even just for five minutes, center yourself, and pull away from all that is feeding your mind, body, and soul.
Get your mind and mood back to a balanced, healthy place.

If the word meditation is something that sounds boring or tedious, I encourage you to try to think of it more as time for yourself.
Think of meditation as a time to rejuvenate and restore your energy.
Get your focus away from all the things you need to do. Sometimes a moment of peace is the key you need to make your day, and your life, more productive and less stressful.
It may feel like you could be doing something more worthwhile with that time; all those dishes or the laundry piling up, or that email you need to send to your boss.
Your to-do list needs to be done, but a centered and balanced mindset is important to accomplish each and every task in our day-to-day life.
Next time you feel stressed take a moment, sit on your porch and breathe a few deep breaths. Still your mind and appreciate that moment. It will make all the difference.

If you are new to meditation, Meditation for Beginners is a great place to start!
For help with positive thinking and things to do that will take your mind away from the negativity, read, Regularity is Overrated.
If you have any positive vibes to share, please send them my way! I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.