So hi, it’s me, Sabra. I’m the one behind the scenes here.
And I like to talk about health. A lot.
Health is a big word that comes with a lot of depth. It also is like opening a box full of . . .
And I admit, I live and breathe health . . . I’m always reading about the newest and latest, I take hours shopping because I read all the labels, and I’m the one that orders water for all of my kids when we go out to eat. Yup. . . there’s 5. It is less expensive.
But, that’s not why I order water.
And I explain the answers to the why's. Just keep reading!
I like health. And it shows so much so that I get asked a lot of questions about it.
I hear a lot of, “how do you . . . ?” questions. And, “why do you . . . ?”
So I decided to answer many of the how to’s and why’s right here so that I can pull out ye ‘ol answer and send it to you so that you can go back and hear the answers again. But not just to hear them, but to learn how to live the lifestyle of balance8.
Living balance8life is where it’s at. It is the key to my success.
Balance8life is . . . life!
It’s how I stay fit, how I stay happy, how I maintain my weight, how I have clear skin, how I rarely have to visit a doctor, and how my medicine cabinet literally holds my toothbrush instead of meds.
Balance8life is how I live every day! And this is where I share all of my secrets. This is where I show you how to have what I have.
A lifestyle of never dieting. A way to eat as many carbs as you want, and a way to have all the energy of an 18 year old at 40, plus actually loving life to the utmost fullest! (Yes, I said loving on purpose, but it is also living).
As a result of living life to the fullest, I . . . tend to actually fill my plate quite full.
So let me introduce you to the other things I do.
You can follow my Facebook art page by clicking the link above. I only take select commissions and don’t sell on any online platform. I do it all individually. Extra special that way. 😉
I should use past tense here though, because I am no longer a touring artist, but I still sell albums and my music can be found all over the place. Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, Ebay, etc.
You can follow my music page on Facebook here.
This is my (other?) side hustle.
I am not a pill popper and I tend to keep things simple by making sure my diet is balanced.
Meaning, I eat rainbows daily . . .
So to spare you the long drawn out story of why I became a yellow-pill-poppin girl, go here to read about this magic. A little advance secret – it’s the golden gates to the fountain of youth. Don’t keep it a secret. I give you permission to tell your friends.

There is no link or photo here (of them). Sorry. I don’t share their pictures or their names for their protection and for our privacy. But I will tell you that being a mom is the number 1 most important and thing I do, and it is also where my interest in health really took hold.
When I became pregnant with my first baby is when I really started to care.
All of a sudden everything health-related was all I wanted to read about and learn about. Because, let’s face it, not only do we want our babies to live long happy, healthy lives, but we want to be healthy so we can keep up with them, watch them grow and be there to annoy them until they’re 100 years old.
I am a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified personal trainer and have been professionally training for 6 years, but did a lot of coaching and side-by-side training way before I became official.
A lot of amazing people come into my life as a result of training. I love helping people, watching them evolve and reach their fitness goals. And, I can honestly say that it brings many, many smiles to my face.
My kids hate all the tangents that I go off on when they ask me for fluffy white biscuits (insert eye rolling here) or when they ask why on earth I don’t let them have soda, eat any time they want during the day, and skip out on their veggies.
I dig that stuff . . . nutrition . . . a balanced, healthy diet is the key to pretty much all fitness goals. And who doesn’t like to feel, look and . . . smell? fantastic!?
If you eat right, everything else falls into place.

Welcome to your next epic read. Are you a fan of Game of Thrones? Lord of The Rings? Maybe a little Sarah J. Maas?
I like to write. A lot. And I don’t just write blogs.
My book is available for purchase on Amazon as of 2021! This has been a huge and exciting event for me.
Annnyyyway . . . I have been creating an alternate fantasy world for the last ten years and am looking for an agent who loves epic stories, long reads and lots of crazy characters.
Follow my secret IG account to get sneak clips from my book and random, odd thoughts completely unrelated to health here.
I love it when the balance8 community gets involved, shares my articles on their social media and interacts with me!
Join me on my social media platforms, share balance8life and tag me! I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.