Goal Setting Strategies for Success


Who’s ready to set some new healthy lifestyle goals?

Goal setting is important for successful change, but without the proper tools to reach your goals, it can be a set up for disappointment and utter failure.

I am sure at some point, you have set out to make healthy lifestyle changes before. Whether that was last year’s New Year’s resolution or a summer body fitness goal, it’s time to re-visit, reevaluate and/or make new goals!


Most people don’t have any sort of plan as to how to get to where they want to go when they set goals. They set a goal and often times just don’t hit their mark.

The problem isn’t setting a goal, it is setting the right kind of goal.

What I mean by that is, goal setting with direction and motivation to make it happen. It is so much easier to set a goal than it is to follow it through.

Only 8% of people who

set New Year's resolutions

 reach their goals.

Success isn’t in goal setting. It’s how you set your goal and what follows, that actually makes goal setting a success or not.


Be reasonable. Have strategy.

Photo by Daniel Korpai

A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources).

When New Year’s comes along, set a goal that is reasonable, meaning, something you can actually do. Not something you think you can do.

For example: don’t commit to losing 30 pounds in 30 days. This is not reasonable.

You also can’t set a goal to run a marathon in 2 months when you’ve been completely sedentary for the past 6 years.

The people who do this type of goal setting throw out reasoning. They get all into the emotion of sparkly wine and kisses and New Year’s misses (or misters) and get totally unreasonable.

Nobody likes failure and this is a set up for failure. And when this happens a few years in a row, you end up piling failure on top of failure.

The idea of setting any sort of goals and making any sort of changes ends up feeling very daunting and impossible. After awhile, most people quit.

The difficulty level of your goal has to be realistic for you to have success.

*Born around the 5th century BC, Sun-Tzu is said to be the “father of strategy’.


There has to be a method to your madness or else all you will have is madness. 

In order for goal setting to work, you need to understand that there is a goal-setting process that has to happen in order to have true success.

Knowing why goals work, and how to implement a goal-setting program is where it’s at for happy days.

Analyzing your progress as you go and keeping your plan in motion (adjusting as you go) is also part of the method.



Before you set out to make goals, you have to understand the definition of goals. What I mean by this is, there are objective and subjective goals, and one way works better than the other.

Objective goals:goal setting

These are goals that you can measure.

Example: I want to lose 2 inches in my waist in 2 months.

These types of goals are easy to set, keep up with, and reach.


Subjective goals:

These types of goals are not measurable.

Example: I want to look and feel better.

These goals are vague and are hard to achieve. These types of goals are the ones you talk about but find yourself not doing.



goal setting3 TYPES OF GOALS

Outcome Goals 

These goals have an end result that cannot be attained on your own.

These are often fun goals because you’re usually doing them with someone else, in a group or competition. Like running a 5K.

These goals are a little more difficult to control, however, because you aren’t 100% in control of the outcome.

Performance Goals  

This kind of goal is measurable and one you set for yourself with something you specifically want to accomplish on your own.

For example, if you want to add a certain number of extra reps to your workout or to run a mile further next week, you’re setting this according to your own personal performance.

Process Goals

These are small goals that support performance goals by giving you something to focus on as you work towards your performance goals.

Process goals are 100% measurable and in your control. Focus on these small things until you eventually achieve your final performance goal.



So, now, how does this work?

Let’s say you set a performance goal of losing 100 pounds. In the mean time, you have to set process goals at say, 10 pound intervals. These process goals get you to your performance goal. These goals can help you achieve an outcome goal of running a marathon in three years.

These steps work for any type of goal you may have. This is not just a process that only fits the health and fitness world.



Photo by Stefan Cosma


Your focus should always 
be on how to get to your final goal, 
not just your final goal.

Setting goals in this way is one hundred percent within your control and brings with it amazing end results.

Focus on the process.

goal settingSOME FACTS

“One of the most consistent findings in all behavioral psychology is that specific goals produce significantly better performance than easy goals, no goals, or do-your-best goals.” – Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (1990). A theory of goal setting & task performance.




goal setting
Photo by Jeshoots


When you set your goals, they need to be specific. Vague goals won’t get you anywhere. Here are a few examples of vague versus specific goals.

    • Vague: My goal is to lose weight.
    • Specific: My goal is to lose 30 pounds in the next 5 months.
    • Vague: My goal is to be a vegan.
    • Specific: My goal is to omit cheese this week and omit milk next week. By the end of the month I want to be completely dairy-free.
    • Vague: My goal is to exercise more.
    • Specific: My goal is to start power walking 3 days a week, and run 1 day a week, with 10 minute warm ups and cool downs, and I want to do this for 1 month, then set new fitness goals.

When you set your goals, set them with Ed Mylett-style ( #Maxout ) intent. Don’t set out to do-your-best. This just leaves too much room for excuses.

You will be more motivated if you have specific goals.

When you have specific goals, you can modify things as you go if you realize part way in that, say, you need more than 3 months to loose a specific amount of weight.

Instead of quitting, reassess, 
modify and carry on!

When losing weight, for example, maybe you didn’t count the plateau in your weight-loss process. Your body will reach a plateau and you will reach a point where you won’t lose weight for a little while. This is part of the process that many people don’t account for when setting specific goals.

It could also be something like setting goals to gain. It is possible that you forgot you were going on vacation for a week . If the only gym you have available only has a treadmill, your goals may take longer to reach.

If you set out to gain an inch in your biceps in a specific amount of time, but have to be away from the gym and modify your weight training, this is when reassessing your goals and being adaptable is necessary to still continue on your journey to achieving your ultimate goal.

This way, you can are still making progress, and still reaching your goal.



Setting realistic goals is a must for success. Period.

Goals that are too easy won’t challenge you enough to keep you focused on the end goal.

For me, when I set out to do a lot and achieve something difficult, I tend to stick to the plan verbatim. It keeps me on track, because I know that if I don’t stay on course, there will be no way that I can achieve what I set out to do.

When my goals are easy, I get too chill and start slacking. At this point, I know for a fact that I am not putting forth maximum effort to attain my desired goals.

On the flip side, if you set goals that are too difficult for yourself, you will quickly lose motivation, get frustrated, and probably quit.

You need to make sure that you’re setting goals at a pace that best suits you.


The best thing to do is to be real with yourself. Set out and begin with focusing on your process goals. 

Once you get into the process of reaching your goal and focusing on the how, the how can, and often times will, change. And this is okay.

Make sure that you reassess yourself, your goals, and keep a close eye on what you are capable of. Be real. Don’t allow yourself to use excuses.

Check yourself. Watch your ego, don’t hurt yourself. Watch your schedule, don’t overload yourself. And watch your achievement level. If you’re moving faster than you had set out to move, move your “bar” higher.


Goal setting


Any goal you set needs to be also have a timeframe that you want it accomplished by.

I love making vision boards, and vision boards are great in this instance. Vision boards can keep you focused on a specific timeframe. Without this, you can drag your goals on and talk the talk and not walk the walk, always saying you’re, “working on it”.

Don’t do this. It will take away your motivation.

Set a time limit and get ‘er done.

Long-term goals give you direction and set the stage for what you are trying to accomplish.

Just remember that having your eye on your long-term goal doesn’t always improve the journey.  Your destination may seem too far away and daunting, and you may quit.

Make sure you keep your process goals 
in your immediate sights.

Short-term goals help you stay focused on the small successes you’ve made. They also give you constant motivation to stay on course to your long-term goal.

This is how you take baby steps to your long-term goal. Doing this makes your ultimate goal possible.

This is also a way to allow for minor adjustments along the way so that you can stay motivated to keep moving forward.



Photo by Victor Freitas


Sorry to break it to you, but goals don’t work by themselves.Goals require commitment. Without commitment, you are most likely not going to put forth the effort and persistence it takes to achieve your goals.

Having a friend or accountability partner helps with this. When your friend is aware of your goals and what you’re doing, this helps with the motivation and stick-to-it-iv-niss.

If you don’t have someone to be accountable to, clone yourself and be accountable to you. JK – but seriously, find a way to keep yourself accountable. It will make the process a huge success!

A positive-minded accountability partner is where it’s at, but make sure they’re also someone who isn’t afraid to tell it to you straight. We all need positive vibes and reinforcement in order to stay motivated. This helps us stay determined as well.

You got this!


Goal setting
Photo by Soulsana


As you go on this goal-setting journey, make sure your goals continue to be practical and suitable as you go.

Have a planner or a reminder set in your phone, or some sort of monthly check in (with yourself). This is when you need to measure, reassess, weigh, check in with your accountability friend/partner, check your vision board, or whatever it is that you’ve decided is appropriate for motivation and for your progress report.


Check in with yourself monthly. 
Review and reevaluate.

There may be some areas where you are meeting your process goals and even acceding them. It could also be that you’re falling short on something else. Tighten up on the parts that are falling short and set the bar higher for the parts that you’re accelerating in.




You may prefer slightly difficult goals. You may prefer very difficult goals. Be you and set your goals accordingly. Don’t compare yourself to the person next door.

Photo by Bruce Mars

If you’re a gal or guy that is highly self-motivation, you probably will do fantabulous with extremely difficult goals.

But, if you’re not a highly self-motivated person and tend to have low levels of self-motivation, super difficult goals will decrease your performance and discourage you, so don’t sabotage yourself by comparing yourself to your neighbor.

You do you. Always. 
This is how you will be most successful.


Photo by Kelly Sikkema


Or wherever.

Writing things down and posting things where you see it often makes it hard to ignore.

Bathroom mirror anyone?

More about how to organize with sticky notes here


Photo by Jamie Street


You have to recognize when you need to make a change. This is done by self monitoring yourself during your goal setting process.

Reward yourself when you reach specific goals.

Have fun. You’ve got this!


Weight Loss Versus Fat loss: The Basics


Photo by Joseph Kellner

Understanding the difference between weight loss versus fat loss could be the solution to a successful weight loss journey.

I recently decided I wanted to take my fitness to the next level. I want to be ripped again. And that includes getting rid of some . . . weight.

Or, perhaps, fat?

Photo by Eugene Chystiakov

The reason I decided that I wanted to take my fitness to the next level is the difference between looking like a regular, “healthy” mom that isn’t overweight but doesn’t necessarily look like she works out, to a ripped and obviously fit mom.

That’s what I used to be.

And I know it ’cause every time I went anywhere, people used to ask me, “are you a trainer?”


Photo by John Fornander

Now, I just don’t get that.

Knowing the difference between weight loss versus fat loss can help when beginning your weight loss journey, even if it is more of a toning or trimming journey.

If you don’t know the difference before you set out on your new goal path, you could be throwing away valuable muscle or simply eliminating water.

It can also be difficult to reach target weight goals when you’re already close. Sometimes it’s even more of a struggle to knock off the last few pounds than it is at the very start of your journey.

It is a little more complex than just getting on the treadmill to burn some fat. Sometimes those last few pounds just don’t want to go away!

If you’re trying to knock off a few extra pounds,  wanting to change your physique, or at the beginning of your weight loss journey, it helps to remember that muscle weighs more than fat, and it also helps to know the difference between overall weight, and actual fat.



Understanding the difference between weight loss vs. fat loss is important when beginning your weight loss journey.

When you are are focused on weight loss, you’re focusing on a decrease in your overall body weight. You’re also focusing on the numbers that stare you in the face when you jump on the scale.

At this point, you are seeing the weight loss of muscle, fat, and water.

If you don’t know the difference between weight and fat loss, the fluctuation in numbers can be very confusing.


Fat loss is specifically talking about your body fat.

You might not completely understand it yet, and that’s okay. Depending on your diet, workout program, and water intake, depends on how the numbers read on the scale and what it is that you are actually losing.

With a lot of sweating also comes dehydration. Dehydration equals water loss, which isn’t helping you reach your goals. As soon as you hydrate, your “weight” will be right back to where it was.

You have to learn how to target fat for successful fat loss.


Photo by Mor Shani


When you restrict your overall calorie intake, the misconception is that you are also restricting a needed amount of macronutrients. (Protein is often the biggest concern). 

When people get caught up on these technicalities, it is easy to fall into a weight loss yo-yo of fad dieting, not being able to lose weight, or losing too much of the wrong weight too fast, and then gaining it all back.

Yes, your muscles need protein. But it is a myth that working out breaks down muscle tissue that can’t be built back up without large quantities of protein in the diet. You don’t need any more protein than you’d eat in a regular, balanced meal.

Working out simply inhibits the naturally occurring breakdown of muscle tissue.

Restricting caloric intake along with exercising and a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and legumes, is (in a nutshell) all you need for successful weight loss (and muscle gain).
To maintain proper macronutrients to gain muscle and lose weight is as simple as making sure you’re eating until satisfied, but not stuffed.


Photo by Alexander Redl
More information and references:
If you are living a sedentary lifestyle or training moderately, the recommended protein need is: 0.8 to 1.2g/kg body weight. 


Photo by Anna Pelzer


Calories come from all sorts of foods, healthy and unhealthy, empty and complex. Even from foods labeled healthy that really are not. 

Counting calories is not necessary for weight loss or maintaining healthy weight. (The only time I suggest counting calories is for extreme situations, and even in this case, it is best when suggested by a registered dietitian.) 

Empty calories don’t have nutritional value and don’t supply good energy for your body to function at peak performance. Foods with empty calories simply have loads of calories with zero nutrients. Since empty calories don’t have any nutrition for your body, they leave you hungrier and less satisfied and you’re more likely to eat more, more frequently, more of them, and put on more weight.

For example, whole wheat bread is high in fiber and is nutrient dense, which makes you feel fuller, so you eat less and get fuller quicker, and will stay full longer, which limits your need to consume more and more frequently.

White breaded foods can contribute to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. The white flour is highly processed and filled with additives that don’t show up in your homemade 100% whole wheat bread.

Calories aren't the issue. It's the type of calories you 
need to concern yourself with.



weight loss verses fat loss
Photo by Drew Hays

Stop and consider where you’re getting your calories from. They should be from this list of foods:

  • whole grains
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • lagumes
  • fruits
  • veggies

I realized that when I moved into the city and began making more money, I options. More options can be a lot to manage and, if you’re not careful, it is easy to start adding unneeded calories.

Back when I was very fit and looked like it, I had very few options. I basically had two. Eat very unhealthy, because it’s cheap. Or, in order to eat very healthy, I had to cook from scratch. I chose the latter.

Recently, as I got to thinking about how I ate then vs. how I eat now,  I started to realize that my lack of money and also living in the country, actually prevented me from buying junk. Now, I live 3 minutes from Whole Foods. That means a quick run for a tasty treat (healthy as it may be) is a lot easier than grabbing a can of beans out of the cupboard.

Quality is always better than quantity.

Pre-packaged items and the beautifully labeled boxes of some so-called healthy foods, are most often higher in fat content and calories, than if you cook from scratch.

When you make your own food, and when you start measuring out cups of oil or sugar, you start to realize just how much is actually going in your food. And then, you have the option to substitute!

Cooking from scratch is a glorious opportunity to really take complete control of your health.


weight loss verses fat loss
Photo by Patricia Tsernoshova


Just because food labels say low sugar, low carb, low fat, doesn’t mean it’s healthy and good for you.

There are a lot of vegan foods that are still processed, fattening and unhealthy!

Back when I was ripped, I made all my own food from scratch. I also had a garden, and we ate a lot of homegrown, fresh foods.

Eat the basics and you can't go wrong.

When you eat whole foodswhich equals quality caloric intake, you don’t have to look for the lies. There are none.

When you are buying pre-packaged foods, things can sneak into your diet

Photo by Dan Gold

without you even knowing. And how clever packaging can be, to help you sneak the bad into your diet.

Labels tell white lies. Vegan and vegetarian foods can be real fattening, just like any other foods.

When you make your own food, the devil is in the details, and it is in your control to take the devil (errr, the sugar & fat) out, when you’re the one making the food.

Vegan means no animal products. Vegan can still be white, fried, full of sugar, and absolutely fiber free, and full of empty calories. So read labels and watch for the lies!

Keep it real. Keep it basic.

weight loss verses fat loss


When you are building muscle and losing weight while building muscle, the numbers on the scale can be very tricky and quite frankly, frustrating.

It is not only important to be aware of how you are eating, but it is also a good idea to make sure that your workout routine is matched to help you achieve your weight loss, or gain, goals.

When you are building muscle while also losing weight, you may see that your weight doesn’t decline as quickly as you would like, and that can be frustrating.

Keep in mind that muscle weighs more, and is more dense therefore, if you are losing fat and gaining muscle, your weight loss may be a little slower, simply because your fat (weight) is being replaced by muscle (weight).

weight loss verses fat lossSIDE NOTE:

Use measurements instead of a scale, to monitor your weight growth and loss. You can gain weight and lose inches at the same time. When you see you’ve not lost the pounds you wish, but also see you’re an inch smaller in your waist, it is easier to swallow the slower weight loss.

Weight loss versus fat loss can be “seen” in measurements.  You can actually see the inches lost, yet see that your weight hasn’t dropped too much, indicating that you are gaining muscle, not losing it!




It is not true that you have to have more money to eat healthy to maintain healthy weight. 

In fact, the more money you have, the more you visit specialty grocery stores and boutique restaurants.

Whole Foods and True Foods Kitchen aren’t even that special but they’re special enough that their prices are especially high. You can’t go there when you’re low on money!  When you’ve got dough in the pocket, you simply get lazy, cause it’s easy to do.

And, it’s easily disguised as healthy with these fabulous organic, “low calorie, low fat” labels on your . . .  already made, pre-packaged foods you can afford to buy!


weight loss verses fat lossPhoto by Markus Spiske

Learn how to simplify your taste preferences, and your grocery shopping. Keep in mind the difference between needs and wants. And keep it whole! 🙂

If you have more questions, please reach out to me! I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.



A Detox for Your Mind, Body and Soul



Photo by Christina Rumpf

Happy (early) green drink Sunday! Yup – I’m already ahead of the week and almost through my weekend making that statement. Are you ready for a detox for your mind, body and soul? You don’t have to wait for Sunday.

I have a loose tradition of making green drinks every Sunday morning for the whole family. (I say loose because I don’t do it every week but I do it more often than I don’t). Sometimes I make smoothies, sometimes I juice.

I don’t do it with the intent of detoxing. I do it simply to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


weight management

If you’ve never known differently, I would imagine that the idea of a detox for your mind, body and soul sounds like a great idea!

It is. However, why would you ever need to detox? It is popular, so therefore it should be done?

I live in a great city that offers so many healthy options for restaurants and grocery shopping. Also, as a result there are several small businesses that advertise detox bowls, detox smoothies, detox juices, detox this and detox that, but have you ever just thought about why?



Detox defined means: a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances.

Detoxing also goes so far as to reference ” . . . a period of medical treatment, usually including counseling, during which a person is helped to overcome physical and psychological dependence on alcohol or drugs. . .”

So detoxing can be quite a process, it isn’t always just as simple as a Sunday green drink tradition.

Our bodies are always dealing with toxic substances, so are our minds. Even our spirit, our soul.

Toxins just permeate the air, our foods, the clothes we wear, the homes we live in and the beds we sleep in. Toxic information infiltrates our social media, our conversations and our thoughts.

You would think that we’d need to detox regularly!

Detox for your mind, body and soul
Photo by Truong Dat

Humans ingest about 5 grams of plastic per week. They drink an average of 9.5 alcoholic drinks per week. Over 80% of Americans eat fast food daily, and fast foods comes with a lot of toxic ingredients.

We also are exposed to toxins in perfumes, plastic bottles and containers, cleaning products, air fresheners, furniture, makeup, fabric softeners, non-stick cookware, bug sprays, canned foods, TV and game consoles . . . and guys, the list just keeps going!



detox for your mind body and soul

The good news is, we have awesome bodies designed to get rid of these awful things that hurt us, and they’re designed to do this naturally!

Our lungs, kidneys, liver, and large intestines are our bodies natural way of getting rid of toxins.

Here’s the kicker guys! If you live a balanced lifestyle that includes a good night of sleep, sunshine, fresh air, water, proper nutrition, exercise, meditation and moderation in all things . . .

Guess what?

. . . You’re helping your body do what it is meant to do on a regular basis on it’s own!

This is how you live a lifestyle of detoxification, or prevention from toxic build up. This is balance8life.



Photo by Alina Karpenko

There are a lot of intense detox methods that can actually be harmful for our bodies.

Some things that are marketed as liver and kidney cleansers can actually strain the organs they are intended to help.

“If you’re thinking about a detox, think instead about the underlying problem,” Dr. Nancy Reau MD advises. “If you just want to be more healthy, good diet choices and exercise are best. And some symptoms, such as weight gain or fatigue, should be evaluated for causes that can be addressed.” ~ The Truth About Toxins.

Staying healthy is a very important part of a balanced lifestyle, and doing things that help our bodies stay healthy is essential. As I mentioned above, balancing all 8 methods of health is how you keep from ever needing to do some drastic detox to your body.

A detox for your mind, body and soul doesn’t have to be thought of as a yearly New Years resolution.
Your body can actually remain in a detoxed state of being when you take care of it properly.


A legitimately needed detox should be determined by a doctor and that is out of my expertise.

However, eating (or drinking)  healthy foods that are labeled as a “detox”  is safe and good for you.




I met a woman who was asking me for advice for her toddler who had a lot of trouble having consistent bowl movements.

As I began asking her what she was feeding him, it quickly became apparent to me that there was no fiber in his diet.

I suggested she add fruit to her sons diet. Her mouth dropped and she stared at me and said, “bad idea! fruit gives him diarrhea. He simply cannot handle fruit.”

Fruit became a detox for this child not because fruit is a detox, but because he was unhealthy. His body wasn’t used to a healthy, balanced diet that included things his little body needed to function at peak performance.

This is the same with adults who eat poorly, and then one day decide to have a green drink, or go through a juice cleanse. They may be in the bathroom more than usual.

This reaction is because the diet is imbalanced and the body is missing vital nutrients to function properly, and is reacting to the sudden change in nutrients.

This does not necessarily mean bad (or good) things are happening. This just means there is a lack of proper nutrition and the body has to go through a process of balancing out before it can regulate again.

If you take care of your body, there is no need to do a classic “detox” where you go to drastic measures to rid your body of toxins.

Instead, feed it healthy and treat it well. All the time.




detox for your mind body and soul


The side effects of detoxing are headaches, cravings, digestive problems, fatigue, nausea, etc.

Detoxing is a big deal to a lot of people, and for a lot of people it truly is very important.

Let me just remind you once more:

You don’t have to regularly detox your mind, body and soul if you live a healthy lifestyle and eat a healthy, balanced diet.


Instead of a yearly green juice cleanse, incorporate something like I have done, a green drink Sunday. Do this regularly as part of a healthy diet and your body will thank you.


You won't have side effects 

if you're already maintaining a balanced,

healthy lifestyle.



Monday morning I went to make an Instagram post and realized I had started to make a Green Drink Sunday post and literally forgot, midway through.

I set my phone down and didn’t even look at it for hours! It was great!


a detox for Your Mind body and soul
Photo by Zoo Monkey

Green juice detox is a fantastic way to turbo boost your body with an assortment of essential vitamins and minerals. But have you thought about putting any time into detoxing your mind?

Our bodies are naturally made to detox on their own when we take care of them properly, but our minds are a whole different ballgame.

We can’t just eat right for our minds to function properly. We also have to make sure we’re feeding our mind with good information.

For the average person, phones have become permanent extensions of our bodies.

Phones hold all our private information, the good, the bad, the ugly. And without them, most people have serious separation anxiety.

A mind detox has side effects, too.

a detox for Your Mind body and soul
Photo by Daniel Korpai

If I try to set my phone down for an hour during the week when the kids are gone at school, or my boyfriend is at work, I struggle.

At first, my mind goes into a scramble mode of not being able to focus on any one particular thing – almost as if it’s got a peculiar case of personal ADD.

We’re all so used to instant information, we don’t know how to slow our minds down.

I have children who struggle with ADD and when I started learning about how to help them deal with ADD naturally, I found that anything electronic (TV, gaming, computers, phones, etc.) should never be a part of their day. Period.

Well that is a complicated situation in todays society. No electronics equals being left behind.

So how do we detox our minds, set our anxiety at ease and truly allow our minds to slow down and detox from the constant need to always have instant information?


Detoxing your mind from the constant information overload take conscious effort (sometimes).

Sometimes it’s almost like telling yourself to breathe, intentionally. You have to remind yourself that people survived without a permanent metal attachment decades. You can still survive without it today.

When the quiet sets, and I allow myself to be okay with the disconnect, my imagination kicks in and that’s when art happens.

That is also when my mind is given time to process my self. A lot of introspection and self evaluation time kicks in and things get a little better; clarity brings new perspectives to life.

A detox for your mind, body and soul includes introspective evaluation.

Evaluating your self is not selfish. Or – it shouldn’t be. It’s a time to think about all of the things you’re giving to others. Or all of the things you should be giving to others.

We all give off vibes that communicate many things to those around us.

How are you silently communicating to those around you? Have you ever thought about it? It can simply be a look. Body language. The lack of, or the presence of, a smile.

If you’re constantly on social media, checking emails or taking in other info that is flooding into your mind at 100mph, your personal evaluation time gets toxic and effects your vibes, your attitude, and effects how you treat those around you.

Photo by Taisiia Shestopal

We give gifts of kindness as well as uncaring, impatient gifts when we don’t care for anybody but our own self.

This happens when our internal evaluations become toxic and self centered vs. self evaluative and introspective in a way that looks to bless others.

Become aware of who you are and what you communicate to everybody in your vibe frequency.

Take some time to detox your mind and your body this week. Set a goal to lower your screen time. Hand write something and memorize it; a saying, a prayer, a Bible verse, a mantra . . . anything positive and up lifting. Something to remind yourself that you are amazing and there’s no reason not to share your amazing self to someone who needs a smile.




a detox for Your Mind body and soul
Photo by Monika-Grabkowska

Green drinks, as I mentioned, are an amazing way to give your body an immune boost, as well as help to rid your body of other toxic waste that might be hanging out.

Juicing is my favorite way to feel vitamin and mineral charged on a Sunday morning. If you do not have a juicer, green smoothies work, too.

Juicing is also a way to energize and minimize fatigue naturally.

There are an abundant amount of vitamins and minerals that are hidden within dark, leafy green vegetables.

When you make a juice or drink with these foods, you’re getting chlorophyll, which helps control inflammation, increases red blood cells, and more.

You’re also getting vitamins A, C, E, K, antioxidants, and calcium. Plus, your heart, will thank you.

One drawback is you are taking out all of the fiber (if your juicing). So be sure that you’re also eating your veggies, too.

Other ways to detox your body is exercising as well as drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of rest, getting out in the sun, fresh air, and staying on top of a healthy diet for continued, balanced nutrition.




a detox for Your Mind body and soul
Photo by Nathan Dumlao


Believe it or not, our brains need proper foods to work at peak performance, too.



A detox for your mind, body and soul is only effective if you eat to live, not to live to eat.

When you eat to live, your focus is on eating the foods that keep your bodily functions working at peak performance.

When you eat to live it also keeps your mind, your emotions, and your self-control in check. As a result, you can better control bad emotional eating habits and avoid late night cravings.

“Food as medicine should become a mantra of living.” Detox Your Brain by Center for Healing Neurology

Here’s a couple (non-scientific) basic examples.

Take someone you know that has been out partying all night long, most likely made bad food choices and had little to no sleep. In the morning, how likely are they to be bright eyed and bushy tailed? Are they going to be kind? Happy? Patient?

Not likely.

Let’s create another scenario. Your aunt, who’s had a full night of sleep, woke up and went running. She had a great breakfast before 9am. She will probably be full of energy, have a big smile on her face, and be a lot more patient.

The point is, what we put into our bodies and how we treat them also makes a huge impact on our brains. In turn, this effects how we act.




detox for your mind, body and soul
Photo by Camilo Jimenez

I know that you know that we all know, that this is a thing. The social media onslaught of toxic information. 

A detox for your mind, body and soul means giving the mind just as much attention as our body and spirit.

Did you know that there is such a thing as internet addiction disorder? And a legit gaming disorder?

Problematic social media use, also known as social media addiction or social media overuse, is a proposed form of psychological or behavioral dependence on social media platforms, also known as Internet addiction disorder, and other forms of digital media overuse.”

“Video game addiction, also known as gaming disorder or internet gaming disorder, . . . results in significant impairment to an individual’s ability to function in various life domains over a prolonged period of time.

“Such disorders can be diagnosed when an individual engages in gaming activities at the cost of fulfilling daily responsibilities or pursuing other interests without regard for the negative consequences.”  –  Internet Addiction Disorder 

Not only are there actual acronyms for legitimate social media, internet and gaming disorders, but now we have a problem that we didn’t have before the mid 2000’s.

The (easy?) solution is to put down the phone, computer, gaming consul, iPad, iPod, (wow, there’s a lot of devices).

It just isn’t easy. Let’s be real. It ain’t easy.


detox for your mind, body and soul
Photo by Halacious

I get anxiety when I put my phone down sometimes. I have asked myself why several times. My first thought is, someone special to me might need help and I may not be able to get to them in time and I’ll feel so guilty . . .

Funny thing is, I survived in the  80’s and 90’s and early 2000’s without a phone.

Experiment and test yourself. Give yourself a timer and turn your phone off for a set amount of time. Allow your mind to imagine and think without social media and the constant scrolling feeding your brain junk.

By setting your phone down for 1-2 days a week, it can result in a lower, total weekly screen time.

I choose to set my phone down on Saturdays and Sundays. Those are my creative days and I do much better not having my phone on me.

Try it.

Can you survive without it for a few hours in your day or a couple days a week? Let me know in the comments below, how you are managing the world of social media and internet addiction.



a detox for Your Mind body and soul
Photo by Tamo Zhizhiashvili

The soul. Last but definitely not least.

A detox for your mind, body and soul cannot be complete without giving the soul equal attention.

Give your spirit a rest by getting away from it all and take some quiet time out in nature.

This is not just taking a break from social media and other media sources. This includes other people, and all other artificial stimuli.

Get out in nature and breathe.

Meditate on the goodness in your life, the things you’re thankful for, the people you are thankful for, and the life that you have.

I’m not talking about focusing on the things you hate about your life. I mean simply focusing on the fact that you have life!

Photo by Simon Maisch

There are a lot more things to be grateful and thankful for in our lives than we give credit to.

Somehow, the negative things always seem to sneak up into the center of our focus points and we forget that our focus has the ability to go in other directions.


Train your mind to focus elsewhere.

Give your spirit and your soul a detox by remembering to be grateful.


So, now that we’re done talking about detoxing from social media, please follow me on my social media pages! Hahaha

I am on Facebook, Instagram, E-mail, Twitter, Pinterest and balance8life.






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